Showing posts with label Silence. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Silence. Show all posts

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Justin Bieber Sounds Like Kanye, Demands Silence from Paparazzi (VIDEO + PHOTOS)

Justin Bieber’s got more than a little Kanye West in him, and it was blatantly obvious when he hit a West Hollywood club. Bieber pulled up outside Delilah Saturday night, and immediately reminded the paparazzi about his new rule — no yelling at…


Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Tom Cruise Breaks Scientology Silence After Shocking Tell-All Documentary

Tom Cruise, the Master of Scientology, has broken his silence and talked about Scientology for the first time … 

Well, in a long time. 

Like, a really long time – a couch-jumping kind of long time, honestly. 

Cruise opened up in an interview during the promotion of his new film, Jack Reacher 2: Never Go Back, and had a fair amount to say about the controversial cult religion organization. 

When a reporter surprised him and dared to ask what he thought about the anti-Scientology propaganda films that have emerged over the last few years, Tom, ever the PR-pro, spun it and said, “It’s something that has helped me incredibly in my life.” 

“I’ve been a Scientologist for over 30 years,” he continued, essentially avoiding the question altogether. 

“It’s something, you know, without it, I wouldn’t be where I am.” 

No doubt, son. 

“So it’s a beautiful religion,” Tom continued. 

“I’m incredibly proud.” 

He’s got a pretty valid point when he says that he “wouldn’t be” where he is today if it weren’t for Scientology, because all of the CoS leg-breakers back him in whatever he does. 

Yeah, Jack Reacher isn’t exactly Mission Impossible (except for that it really is, just with less hot women and a different name than Ethan Hunt) or even Top Gun … 

But this old man’s still getting roles upon roles heaped upon his pile so much, that his alien cup runneth over. 

Basically, Cruise gets away with whatever he wants.

Then, of course, there’s his obvious exoneration from having to care for his daughter, Suri Cruise, since she’s affiliated with her SP mother, Katie Holmes. 

We’d say it’s a safe bet to make that he wouldn’t get away with half of the stuff that he does now if it weren’t for his “religion.” 

When you’re Tom Cruise, though, you can do all sorts of wonky things like audition girlfriends and put years-long gag orders on your ex-wives to prevent them from making money off of your neuroses.  

It must be hell for those you leave in your wake of terror, but jeez.

When you don’t have any responsibilities to anyone or anything other than a Thetan spaceship, there’s a lot of free time on your hands in which you can learn the art of mastering manipulation. 

Life’s good when you’re a top-ranking member of Scientology, yeah? 


Wednesday, October 19, 2016

TMZ Live: Azealia Banks: Breaks Her Silence on Russell Crowe Incident

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Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Kim Kardashian Breaks Silence With Chilling Update

Kim Kardashian isn’t going to be around anytime soon … so says an update on her website via her personal assistant, Stephanie Shepherd. 

In a concerning update, Shepherd, otherwise known as “Shep,” advised Kardashian’s fans that Kim will remain out of the spotlight for an indefinite amount of time. 

A handwritten note was shared on the reality star’s website, which began with a dour, “Hey guys.” 

“So you may have noticed we haven’t updated the [Kim Kardashian] app in a few weeks,” the letter continued. 

“Keeks is taking some much-needed time off.” 

“But not to worry…we’ve called upon Kim’s closest friends, fam, and yours truly, to serve up some exclusives,” Shep so graciously wrote. 

“Stay tuned for new posts and app takeovers!” 

“Thank you so much for your support for my girl.” 

“Love you, mean it,” Shep signed off. 

Kim, as we’ve reported, isn’t exactly on the mend after her traumatizing robbery event.  

In an interview with Ellen DeGeneres, sister Khloe revealed, “She’s not doing that well.” 

“I mean, it’s incredibly traumatic what happened to her,” Khloe said, “but our family is super close and great and we’ll get through it together.”  

“It will take time,” she added. 

Though it would appear that Kim is simply eking off into obscurity, she’s bent on catching the perpetrators who broke into her rental. 

Her lawyer recently said, “She is very calm and very determined over a matter that was particularly violent.”

“If she is summoned to France, she will come to France.”

“But judges also have the possibility of moving [the case to the United States,” the barrister revealed. 

Needless to say, unlike other things, Kim’s not taking this one lying down. 

Hordes of friends have rallied around Kim, supporting her in her time of need, like long-time chums Chrissy Teigen and John Legend

It’s suffices to say that Kim doesn’t have to go through this ordeal alone. 

Between her friends, her crack legal team, and her supporters, we’re likely to see Kim emerge in an even bigger way than before. 

Which is both encouraging and terrifying, both at the very same time.   Simply imagine the onslaught of selfies to which we’ll soon be exposed. 


Thursday, October 13, 2016

Angelina Jolie: Smearing Brad Pitt & Attempting to Silence Press?!

By now, you’re almost certainly aware that Angelina Jolie has filed for divorce from Brad Pitt.

The intensely private couple has been predictably tight-lipped about their legal battles, but that naturally, that hasn’t kept the tabloid press from prying.

Now it looks as though Jolie may have inadvertently revealed more than she intended to about her private battle with Pitt by going to incredible lengths to keep news of the split out of the gossip column.

It seems Angie has been getting legal on bloggers and entertainment writers whom she feels crossed the line in their coverage of her split with Brad.

One blogger who received a cease and desist from Jolie is none other than the notorious Perez Hilton, who did not take her request kindly.

Hilton posted a screenshot of his response to Angelina’s lawyers on Instagram:

Perez Hilton: Email to Angelina Jolie Lawyers

Hilton captioned the above message (which he concluded with a polite “Such my dick!”) with the following:

“In other news, #AngelinaJolie’s lawyers at Greenberg Glusker have just threatened to sue me for my coverage of her split from #BradPitt. ME!! I have always been one of Angelia Jolie’s loudest and strongest supporters and defenders!!!!!

“This was my email back to Angelina’s lawyers, #BertFields and #PriyaSapori. Glad I’m not running for president!!”

Shockingly, Perez’s tersely-worded email was apparently enough to get Angelina’s lawyers to back down.

The offending piece is still on his website, and Jolie’s legal team has yet to file suit, several days after they reportedly received Hilton’s response.

So what does this all this tell us about the Pitt-Jolie split?

Well, for starters, it’s interesting that Angelina is the one who’s concerned about details of her split going public and not Brad.

After all, Pitt is the one being investigated for child abuse after allegedly getting into a physical confrontation with his son abound a private jet.

In addition, these cease and desist orders come on the heels of a new round of reports (allegedly issued from Angie’s camp) that prior rumors that Brad visited his kids last week and is working to hammer out a divorce settlement are patently false.

The fact that Jolie seems so suddenly concerned with smearing her ex and defending her own reputation may serve as an indication that she’s not as blameless in all this as we originally thought.

Or maybe she is! We don’t know!

Please don’t sue is, Angie!!!


Sunday, October 9, 2016

Nancy O"Dell Breaks Silence, Responds to Donald Trump Scandal

Nancy O’Dell finds herself at the center of a political scandal.

The television personality turned down Donald Trump’s sexual advances over a decade…

… only for that decision to become public knowledge after a video went viral this week in which Trump bragged about trying to bed O’Dell.

The footage, which was filmed in 2005, features Trump and Billy Bush on an Access Hollywood bus, driving to the set of Days of Our Lives and talking in very lewd fashion.

They are wearing microphones, but are unaware the microphones are on; or “hot,” to use industry lingo.

It’s unclear who released the video to The Washington Post or how long that individual had been sitting on it, but it’s very clear what Trump and Bush are discussing.

At one point in the back-and-forth, Trump says of a woman named Nancy:

“I moved on her like a bitch, but I couldn’t get there. And she was married. I did try and f-ck her. She was married.”

It didn’t take long for the married woman who rejected Trump to be identified as Nancy O’Dell (who Trump reportedly tried to fire as Miss USA Pageant host in 2007. Hmmm… we wonder why.)

We can’t imagine O’Dell ever thought this incident would resurface all these years later, but here we are.

And here’s what she has to say about it:

“Politics aside, I’m saddened that these comments still exist in our society at all. When I heard the comments yesterday, it was disappointing to hear such objectification of women.

“The conversation needs to change because no female, no person, should be the subject of such crass comments, whether or not cameras are rolling.”

O’Dell is 50 years old and is now the co-anchor of Entertainment Tonight.

She continued:

“Everyone deserves respect no matter the setting or gender.

“As a woman who has worked very hard to establish her career, and as a mom, I feel I must speak out with the hope that as a society we will always strive to be better.”

Both Bush and Trump have since apologized for their conversation, which also depicted the two men degrading Days of Our Lives actress Arianne Zucker.

The footage also included Trump saying that he often just “grabs” the “pussy” of a woman and it’s totally acceptable because he’s a “star.”

“When you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything,” he tells Bush.

“Obviously I’m embarrassed and ashamed,” Bush said. “It’s no excuse, but this happened eleven years ago – I was younger, less mature, and acted foolishly in playing along. I’m very sorry.”

Trump, meanwhile, initially dismissed the talk as being mere “locker room” banter, only to then issue a longer apology in video form.

You can watch it here:

“I never said I’m a perfect person nor pretended to be someone that I’m not. I’ve said and done things I regret and the words released today on the more than decade-old video are one of them.

“Anyone who knows me knows these words don’t reflect who I am. I said it, I was wrong and I apologize.”

In the wake of this scandal, numerous Republicans have pulled their support for Trump.

Many have also called for Trump to drop out of the Presidential race entirely. But he’s made it clear that this won’t be happening.

There’s a second debate between Trump and Hillary Clinton scheduled for Sunday night.

It should be… interesting, that’s for certain.


Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Calvin Harris Breaks Silence on Taylor Swift Split: It Was HELL!

Taylor Swift just broke up with Tom Hiddleston.

That summer fling has apparently been flung.

But you can go elsewhere to read about what went wrong between Swift and Hiddleston.

We’re here to talk about that OTHER famous Taylor Swift relationship from 2016:

Remember when she was dating Calvin Harris?

It’s true!

The singer and the DJ were together, for, like, 15 months, splitting this spring… just before Swift was caught canoodling with Hiddleston.

Now, in a cover story with British GQ, Harris opens up about his relationship with Swift and his subsequent break-up in more detail than ever before.

“It’s very difficult when something I consider so personal plays out very publicly,” Harris tells the publication.

“The aftermath of the relationship was way more heavily publicized than the relationship itself. When we were together, we were very careful for it not to be a media circus.

“She respected my feelings in that sense. I’m not good at being a celebrity.”

So it sounds like Harris was pretty content while actually dating Swift.

But then after the relationship ended? That’s when things really got crazy.

Although Harris puts it in even more blunt terms.

“All hell broke loose,” he says. “Now I see that Twitter thing as a result of me succumbing to pressure. It took me a minute to realize that none of that matters.

“I’m a positive guy.

“For both of us it was the wrong situation. It clearly wasn’t right, so it ended, but all of the stuff that happened afterwards…”

Harris here is referring to the beef he got into with Swift over the songwriting credit on “This is What You Came For.”

After Taylor tried to claim that she was actually the main person responsible for that smash single, Harris could not sit back in silence any longer.

“I wrote the music, produced the song, arranged it and cut the vocals,” Harris Tweeted in July.

And then he took it to another, amazing level, writing the following as a follow-up:

Hurtful to me at this point that her and her team would go so far out of their way to try and make ME look bad at this stage.

I figure if you’re happy in your new relationship you should focus on that instead of trying to tear your ex bf down for something to do.

I know you’re off tour and you need someone new to try and bury like Katy ETC but I’m not that guy, sorry. I won’t allow it.

Please focus on the positive aspects of YOUR life because you’ve earned a great one.

Wow. No one had ever called out Taylor Swift like that before.

But it sounds like Harris sort of regrets doing so now.

It was completely the wrong instinct,” he says in hindsight.

“I was protecting what I see as my one talent in the world being belittled. It felt like things were piling on top of me and that was when I snapped.”

Pretty open stuff here from Harris, huh?

He really does seem like a decent, regular guy.

And also a lucky one: according to new reports, Harris is now dating Eiza Gonzalez.

Way to rebound there, Calvin! You got up high and snagged quite the catch with that one.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Jordan Rodgers Finally Breaks Silence on Aaron Rodgers Feud: It"s Not My Focus!

Watching JoJo Fletcher get engaged to Jordan Rodgers last night on the season finale of The Bachelorette, all we could think of was:

What does Aaron Rodgers think about all this?!

While we’ve heard Aaron Rodgers comment, basically via “no comment,” last night was Jordan’s first night in public with his new fiancee.

In other words, the first time someone could hit Aaron’s little brother with the million-dollar question of what the hell is up between them.

It’s been a weird confluence of factors for weeks: Jordan’s lack of relationship with Aaron has become a major focal point of his story.

This has been the case on and off the reality show on which he’s starring … and he seems incredibly uncomfortable talking about it.

They don’t speak (the last known photo of them together, below, is 4-5 years old and also features Kevin from The Office for some reason).

Jordan simultaneously loves the position he’s in, and attention he gets, from being Aaron’s brother, yet wishes he weren’t at the same time.

In a way, it’s the perfect contradiction, and summation of the season:

From the onset, JoJo seemed both intensely drawn to and turned off by Jordan, fittingly the subject of major tabloid speculation throughout.

The handsome, smooth-talking jock, Jordan was an early favorite.

But … he was also the bad boy that the other guys loved to hate, whose ex put him on blast, and whose famous brother won’t talk to him.

Despite a late charge by Robby Hayes – whose downfall may be that he shares many of Jordan’s bad boy qualifies – JoJo picked Rodgers.

Is she now regretting it? She’s putting on a good front, but …

On the After the Final Rose special airing immediately after the finale, Fletcher spoke about the hard times she and Jordan have endured.

Facing claims from tabloids that couldn’t be refuted without giving away The Bachelorette spoilers, JoJo and JoRo were in a tough spot.

They were not, however, in a new one whatsoever.

This happens every season, it’s just that Jordan Rodgers’ personal drama is SO BAD that it became a national story in and of itself.

If anything, the fact that they’re struggling with it is either an indication of that, or the relative strength of their relationship (or lack thereof).

But we digress. Back to the subject at hand here:

Regardless of how long for this world these two hotties may be as the franchise’s new Golden Couple, host Chris Harrison finally went there.

“About the rift with your brother Aaron, has anything come of that?” Harrison said, putting it all out there point blank as Jordan squirmed.

As you can see above, their faces said it all.

Jordan tried to dodge the subject, which he clearly doesn’t want to touch with a ten-foot pole, talking about how he’s moving to Dallas for JoJo! 

Pressed a second time, a visibly awkward JoJo shot daggers at Harrison with her eyes and said simply, “It’s not the focus for us right now.”

And there you have it. It being jack s–t.

Why did JoJo pick Jordan Rodgers (hopefully not for the Packers tickets)? Will the love these two share last a lifetime, or fizzle fast?

And … again, what in the heck played out between Jordan and Aaron Rodgers, and what does the Super Bowl MVP think of all this?

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Johnny Depp to Silence Amber Heard With Confidentiality Agreement?

By now, you’re probably aware that the divorce between Johnny Depp and Amber Heard has been one of the ugliest celebrity splits in recent memory.

But if Depp has his way, you may not be hearing any more about the ongoing and increasingly messy drama.

E! News has obtained court documents revealing that when it comes to the legal aspect of his separation, Depp seems more concerned with protecting his privacy than his assets.

The docs contain the following response from Depp’s lawyers to Heard’s request for financial information:

“Johnny does not dispute that Amber is entitled to the majority of the information sought in her discovery requests and subpoenas. He willing to produce the documents necessary for Amber’s evaluation,” the papers read.

“He has asked, however, that a confidentiality agreement be executed prior to the production of documents in order to protect the parties’ privacy.”

We’ll overlook the weirdness of the fact that Depp’s lawyers call him “Johnny” and focus on what’s really important here, which is that this serves as yet another reminder that the iconic actor is very eager to put this chapter of his life behind him.

The latest from his attorneys goes on to complain about the public nature of the divorce:

“This case has been extraordinarily public since its inception. There have been daily articles in the domestic and foreign press about this proceeding and the parties’ lives.

“Every detail of this action has been chronicled by the media and it has become one of the most heavily publicized celebrity divorces in recent memory.” 

That’s certainly true and while Heard has done little to discourage the publicity, Depp has made it clear that he’d prefer to handle the matter as privately as possible.

He’s repeatedly refused to answer questions about Heard, and it seems likely that his eventual settlement with Heard will include a non-disclosure agreement.

So if you were hoping to see Depp answer to assault charges in court, you may be out of luck.

In all likelihood, the former couple will reach an agreement without setting foot in court, and we’re guessing that going forward, Depp will make every effort to confine the drama in his life to his onscreen performances.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Gretchen Carlson Breaks Silence on Sexual Harassment Suit

Gretchen Carlson has spoken out for the first time since filing a lawsuit against her former employer.

Last week, as previously reported, the former Fox & Friends co-host sued Fox News Chariman Roger Ailes for sexual harassment.

In her legal documents, Carlson alleged that Ailes propositioned her for sex and then punished her afterward once she turned him down.

One portion of Carlson’s suit reads as follows:

“Ailes has unlawfully retaliated against [her] and sabotaged her career because she refused sexual advances and complained about severe and pervasive sexual harassment.”

Now, in an interview with The New York Times, Carlson says part of the reason why she took this step was to stand up for other women who have faced similar scenarios in the workplace.

“I just wanted to stand up for myself, first and foremost,” Carlson tells the newspaper, adding:

“And I wanted to stand up for other women who maybe faced similar circumstances.”

Ailes has strongly denied all charges.

He says Carlson was fired from Fox & Friends in 2013 due to a ratings drop and then let go entirely from Fox News last month due to poor performance.

“This defamatory lawsuit is not only offensive, it is wholly without merit and will be defended vigorously,” Ailes said in response a few days ago.

In a statement that refers to Carlson’s lawyer, meanwhile, a Fox News spokeswoman, Irena Briganti, said:

“Between chasing ambulances and headlines, the truth seems to have been run over by Nancy Erika Smith.”

That’s a pretty good line, anyone has to admit.

Carlson worked at Fox News for 11 years. She tells The Times here that she had had six to 10 meetings with Ailes during her tenure at Fox in order to discuss his “continuous” sexist language.

“Everyone knew how powerful Roger Ailes was. I certainly felt intimidated by that,” Carlson added.

Since Carlson went public with these accusations, six other women have come out and made similar allegations.

One says she was working at Fox News as a 16-year old when Ailes exposed his testicles to her and told her to “kiss them.” She refused, running out of his office in tears.

When asked what she hoped to achieve by bringing this lawsuit, Carlson didn’t need to consult with her attorneys to give an answer.

“To stand up for what happened to me and what was the truth,” she said.

It’s also worth noting that Carlson has named former colleague Steve Doocy in her suit.

She claims that he “regularly treat[ed] her in a sexist and condescending way” when they worked together, “engaging in a pattern and practice of severe and pervasive sexual harassment” that was akin to treating her as “a blond female prop.”

Carlson is seeking an undisclosed monetary figure for “lost compensation, damaged career path, damage to reputation and pain and suffering damages.”

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Cathriona White Death: Jim Carrey Finally Breaks His Silence

Up until now, Jim Carrey has remained silent about his ex-girlfriend, Cathriona White, who committed suicide in September 2015.

Now, Carrey is ready to speak.  Today, he issued a statement condemning the press, according to People Magazine.

“When I came to Hollywood to make it as a comedian, I soon learned that the details of my private life would be handed out to the media like free dinner vouchers,” the statement read.

“I never dreamed that the people I love most in the world would also be on the menu. What a shame.”

White’s autopsy reveals that the 30-year-old overdosed on prescription pills, including including propranolol, the sleep aid zolpidem, oxycodone and oxymorphone.

On Tuesday, details of White’s suicide note (initially found by police) were made public, which included an apology to Carrey, whom she split up with just a few days before her death.  

Carrey and White dated on and off since 2012, after meeting on a film set.

“I’ve spent 3 days now in disbelief that you’re not here. I can go on brokenhearted and try to put the pieces back. I could, I just don’t have the will this time,” White wrote.

“I’m sorry you felt I wasn’t there for you. I tried to give you my best part.”

As for her funeral, White left instructions to the Ace Ventura star.

“I don’t really know about burial or that sort of thing. You are my family so whatever you choose will be fine.”

“Please forgive me,” she wrote.”I’m just not for this world.”

Carrey did release a statement following her death, stating that he was “deeply saddened by the passing of my sweet Cathriona.

“She was a truly kind and delicate Irish flower, too sensitive for this soil, to whom loving and being loved was all that sparkled.”

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Calvin Harris BREAKS SILENCE on Taylor Swift & Tom Hiddleston Photos!

Earlier today, we revealed that Taylor Swift and Tom Hiddleston were caught kissing on the beach – and had the pics to prove it.

Since the pair were out in the open and vulnerable to paparazzi, fans assumed this meant they were now a real and for true new couple.

Taylor split from her boyfriend Calvin Harris just a couple weeks ago, and most folks didn"t see it coming.

Some rumors purported that Calvin was intimidated of her success while others claimed he "got bored." Others even said Taylor was put off by a dick pic of Calvin that somehow went public.

In an attempt to quell runaway gossip, Calvin took to Twitter just after the breakup to share just what his PR rep likely sent him:

“The only truth here is that a relationship came to an end & what remains is a huge amount of love and respect,” the DJ tweeted.

Oh, but how things have changed.

That tweet has now been deleted, and Calvin unfollowed Taylor on Twitter and Instagram just before the pics of her and Hiddleston surfaced.

Taylor did the same and removed past photos of Calvin from her Instagram account.

Sounds like some shiz is going DOWN!

But in public (the real world public, not the social media public, obvs), Calvin is playing it cool.

He was stopped by the paps today and asked how he felt about his ex hooking up with the British actor.

"All good, she"s just doing her thing," he responded.


Listen, we"re all human and we"ve all been through breakups.

And we also all know that unfollowing and deleting your ex on social media does not mean it"s "all good." 


Duh. We don"t know what kind of words were exchanged between the exes, but oh, how we"d love to get a peek at their texts.

Calvin harris breaks silence on taylor swift and tom hiddleston

Disney Alligator Attack: Parents Of Lane Graves Break Their Silence

The unthinkable happened to Matt and Melissa Graves on June 14th, and now they have to return home to Nebraska without their son.

The parents, who attempted to rescue their two-year-old, Lane Graves from the mouth of an alligator, gave their first statement today.

“Words cannot describe the shock and grief our family is experiencing over the loss of our son,” the couple said, according to ABC News.

“We are devastated and ask for privacy during this extremely difficult time. To all of the local authorities and staff who worked tirelessly these past 24 hours, we express our deepest gratitude.”

At 9:16 on Wednesday night, the Graves were on the beach of the Grand Floridian Hotel in Walt Disney World for a movie night.  Graves waded into the man-made lake, even though “No Swimming” signs were posted.

Then, an alligator came from the lake and snatched the little boy, dragging him into water.

Tireless search-and-rescue efforts from first responders, law enforcement and Disney employees eventually found the body of the boy at around 1:45  on Tuesday afternoon.  Save for a few puncture wounds, authorities confirmed, his body was in tact.

What’s even more disturbing is that the body was located about ten to fifteen feet from where he was taken, under six feet of water.

Fellow resort guest Jennifer Venditti Roye posted photos of her own son, who waded in the water at the exact same location on the beach an hour earlier, to Facebook.

Venditti Roye did this to hit back at the online trolls who have been tormeting Graves’ parents for ignoring the “No Swimming” signs.

“There is a time to be critical when parents are doing drugs and their children get hurt,” Venditti Roye told People Magazine.

“But this is just not the time. It’s heartbreaking.”

The mom to three-year-old Channing said the accident hit way too close to home for her.

“It could have been [my son],” she admitted. “We had been there every night. What a tragedy.”

“Not at all did that cross my mind that there would be alligators in that area,” she said.

“There were tons of families just roasting marshmallows. The Grand Floridian had provided the activity for kids, right there on the beach,” Venditti Roye explained.

“And the water was just ankle deep. Where that beach is – it’s a small cove, so central, with the resort area built around it. There’s a pool nearby. It’s well-lit. Well-traveled. Not off the beaten path where you think anything would be lurking.

“I never would have dreamed in a million years that there would have been an alligator there.”

The Facebook post has been shared over 150,000 times.

“I can’t help but wonder if we played with him,” she wrote.

“Did I talk to his Mom? How does one go home without your baby in tow? PRAY, PRAY so hard for the family & for those who witnessed this tragic event.”

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Marcus Grimmie Breaks Silence on Sister Christina Grimmie"s Death With Heartbreaking Message

Friday night, Christina Grimmie was shot to death following a concert in a senseless act of violence by Kevin James Loibl

The 22-year-old singer and former contestant on The Voice had a spirited heart and a promising career that was cut short by this disturbed individual.

Further deaths and injuries might have occurred had it not been for her brother, Marcus Grimmie, who tackled Loibl upon witnessing the attack on his sister.

During the struggle, Loibl turned the gun on himself and committed suicide.

Marcus, who goes by Mark, has now broken his silence by posting a heartfelt message about his sister to Facebook.

“Christina was more than my sister. She was a partner in life. A superstar. A goofball. Introverted. And a friend to everyone. Genuinely,” he wrote.

“But above all…she was my baby sister. She loved the Lord and her family and was always there for me and I honestly don’t know what ill do without her.”

Mark then humbly asked friends and fans to share memories they have of Christina to the page to honor her life.

“But please, if you are reading this far, I would love all and any of you to post pics of you and her and/or memories you have of her down in the comments,” he shared. “I will cherish it forever and always. So please do that for me.”

“Thank you all so so much. The support has been crazy and I do feel a peace. I just don’t have any words. I love you all.”

A friend of Christina’s, Ashly Nicole, told E! News that Mark and his sister were “as close as can be.”

“He was the perfect brother to her and he became almost like a big brother to me too,” she said.

“They were only a year apart and he would always talk about how he would do anything for her. She was his world. He cared about her so much.”

The 27-year-old Loibl was a resident of St. Petersburg, Fla. and traveled two hours that evening specifically to murder Christina, according to officials.

Police continue to investigate a possible motive.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Brandi Glanville Breaks Silence on LeAnn Rimes Truce!

If you haven"t heard, Brandi Glanville and LeAnn Rimes ended their feud, putting the kibosh on one of the most longstanding and reliable wars in celebrity history.

As you may know, Glanville"s former husband Eddie Cibrian cheated on her with Rimes and later married her, so you get where tensions originated.

Glanville was often peeved that Rimes was pretending to be the "new mom" to her sons and called the country singer out on numerous occasions.

The two women – and sometimes Cibrian – traded jabs on Twitter all the time, and it was ridiculously immature and solidly entertaining for onlookers.

And then one day, suddenly, everything changed. The two tweeted kind words to each other, and the universe went, HUH???

It was kind of unreal. Brandi actually wished LeAnn a happy fifth wedding anniversary to Cibrian.

"@leannrimes Happy anniversary Happy 2 watch my boys 4 mybaby daddy so that y"all can celebrate! Get a tan for me #feeling pasty (mean it)," Brandi tweeted.

"@BrandiGlanville Thank you! Happy that we always pick up where the other leaves off. Xoxo," LeAnn replied.

This all happened seemingly out of the blue and confused everyone.

Now, The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star has broken her silence on why the two decided to bury the hatchet.

"Something happened with my children and it brought Eddie and LeAnn and I together and we just had to be on the same page and we realized that we"re the adults here and we have to act like adults," Glanville said during an interview with toofab.

We don"t know what the "something" is that "happened," but it sounds pretty intense.

"I"ve been ready for this for so long," she continued.

"The kids are the happiest they"ve ever been when we"re united," she added. "I will do anything for those children of mine."

Oddly enough, Glanville signed on to star in a cooking show called My Kitchen Rules with LeAnn"s ex-husband, Dean Sheremet.


Brandi glanville breaks silence on leann rimes truce

Brandi Glanville Breaks Silence on LeAnn Rimes Truce!

If you haven"t heard, Brandi Glanville and LeAnn Rimes ended their feud, putting the kibosh on one of the most longstanding and reliable wars in celebrity history.

As you may know, Glanville"s former husband Eddie Cibrian cheated on her with Rimes and later married her, so you get where tensions originated.

Glanville was often peeved that Rimes was pretending to be the "new mom" to her sons and called the country singer out on numerous occasions.

The two women – and sometimes Cibrian – traded jabs on Twitter all the time, and it was ridiculously immature and solidly entertaining for onlookers.

And then one day, suddenly, everything changed. The two tweeted kind words to each other, and the universe went, HUH???

It was kind of unreal. Brandi actually wished LeAnn a happy fifth wedding anniversary to Cibrian.

"@leannrimes Happy anniversary Happy 2 watch my boys 4 mybaby daddy so that y"all can celebrate! Get a tan for me #feeling pasty (mean it)," Brandi tweeted.

"@BrandiGlanville Thank you! Happy that we always pick up where the other leaves off. Xoxo," LeAnn replied.

This all happened seemingly out of the blue and confused everyone.

Now, The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star has broken her silence on why the two decided to bury the hatchet.

"Something happened with my children and it brought Eddie and LeAnn and I together and we just had to be on the same page and we realized that we"re the adults here and we have to act like adults," Glanville said during an interview with toofab.

We don"t know what the "something" is that "happened," but it sounds pretty intense.

"I"ve been ready for this for so long," she continued.

"The kids are the happiest they"ve ever been when we"re united," she added. "I will do anything for those children of mine."

Oddly enough, Glanville signed on to star in a cooking show called My Kitchen Rules with LeAnn"s ex-husband, Dean Sheremet.


Brandi glanville breaks silence on leann rimes truce

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Khloe Kardashian Breaks Silence on Odell Beckham Jr. Dating Rumors!

Looks like Khloe Kardashian heard the latest rumor about herself.

Did you hear it? The one in which Khloe is dating NFL star Odell Beckham, Jr.?

Fans were surprised that she found a new bae so quickly, because she just filed for divorce (again) from Lamar Odom.

Nevertheless, the reality star and Beckham were caught at a party getting super flirty at Drake’s Memorial Day bash earlier this week.

Prior to that, they were allegedly caught making out at a club.

According to reports, the pair have been “low key seeing each other for months,” but only recently went public.

Khloe has remained silent all week (an eternity for her), but has now addressed the rumors on her Twitter account.

“TWIMC: Sorry to burst your bubble. When a couple drinks, a little flirting and an invasion of privacy collide things may look crazy,” she tweeted.

“However…this ain’t that and that ain’t this,” she added.

To be fair, we never said it was “crazy.” Just another Kardashian dating another athlete.

Though Khloe doesn’t mention Beckham by name, she seems to be shutting down the dating rumors by assuring fans that nothing’s really happening.

Sounds like she just got drunk and made out a little.

That’s fair.

And it’s good news for Lamar, who is reportedly trying to stay sober (no, for reals this time!) in a last-ditch effort to win Khloe back before the divorce is finalized in six months.

Let’s see if it works.

Khloe Kardashian Breaks Silence on Odell Beckham Jr. Dating Rumors!

Looks like Khloe Kardashian heard the latest rumor about herself.

Did you hear it? The one in which Khloe is dating NFL star Odell Beckham, Jr.?

Fans were surprised that she found a new bae so quickly, because she just filed for divorce (again) from Lamar Odom.

Nevertheless, the reality star and Beckham were caught at a party getting super flirty at Drake’s Memorial Day bash earlier this week.

Prior to that, they were allegedly caught making out at a club.

According to reports, the pair have been “low key seeing each other for months,” but only recently went public.

Khloe has remained silent all week (an eternity for her), but has now addressed the rumors on her Twitter account.

“TWIMC: Sorry to burst your bubble. When a couple drinks, a little flirting and an invasion of privacy collide things may look crazy,” she tweeted.

“However…this ain’t that and that ain’t this,” she added.

To be fair, we never said it was “crazy.” Just another Kardashian dating another athlete.

Though Khloe doesn’t mention Beckham by name, she seems to be shutting down the dating rumors by assuring fans that nothing’s really happening.

Sounds like she just got drunk and made out a little.

That’s fair.

And it’s good news for Lamar, who is reportedly trying to stay sober (no, for reals this time!) in a last-ditch effort to win Khloe back before the divorce is finalized in six months.

Let’s see if it works.

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Kylie Jenner BREAKS SILENCE on Tyga Breakup Rumor!

When a celebrity couple breaks up, rumors follow. 

Some of them may be true, while a lot of them are false, and unless the celeb addresses them head on, it’s up to fans to decide which is which.

Kylie Jenner is now attacking one such rumor borne out of her split with Tyga.

The rumor: Tyga owes Kylie a $ 2 million, because the rapper was flat broke and she was bankrolling his baller lifestyle, and girl wants her money back!

Truth be told, this one doesn’t sound so far-fetched.

We’ve known that Tyga was only pretending to be rich for some time now, what with his declaration of bankruptcy, eviction notices and threats from the repo man.

But Kylie says it’s not true, at least not the part where he’s in debt to her.

The rich teenager, who just bought a $ 6 million mansion in the Hidden Hills of California, took to Twitter to debunk the gossip.

“Lies lies lies,” she wrote in response to a fan who tweeted about the rumor.

Kylie Jenner tweet

Wow, it’s actually kinda nice of her to defend him like that. Perhaps the breakup was more amicable that we thought?

Or maybe she’s kissing up to him because she fears he might release the multiple sex tapes Kylie made with Tyga?

Word has it Kylie is “petrified” that the tapes will leak and won’t badmouth him in public because of it.

However, while Tyga stands to make a ton of cash (which apparently he needs) by selling the tapes, Kylie’s brother-in-law Kanye West has promised to end his rap career if he pulls such a stunt.

Let’s see where this rumor goes – because it sure is a good one.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Johnny Depp BREAKS SILENCE on Divorce from Amber Heard

Yesterday, we learned that it was splitsville for Johnny Depp and Amber Heard.

Heard filed for divorce from Depp just 15 months after they were married, and just days after the passing of his mother, Betty Sue Palmer.

Now, Depp is the first to speak publicly about the news.

“Given the brevity of this marriage and the most recent and tragic loss of his mother, Johnny will not respond to any of the salacious false stories, gossip, misinformation and lies about his personal life,” read a statement given by the Depp’s rep. 

“Hopefully the dissolution of this short marriage will be resolved quickly.”

False stories, gossip, misinformation and lies – oh, my!

There are so many to choose from.

Earlier today, Radar Online reported that the reason for the split was Heard’s desire to have children, which Depp did not support.

Sources say he felt he was too old to be a new father.

“Johnny and Amber were at odds with each other because she wanted a baby, but he didn’t want to be an old dad,” revealed a source.

“Johnny was slightly open to the idea of adopting a kid that’s 8 or 9, but Amber wants a child that’s hers,” added the insider.

Other chatter in the gossip mill suggests that the pair just couldn’t stand each other

“Because of their strong personalities they do not always see eye to eye,” claimed another source.

“They are both stubborn and overly dramatic, which doesn’t help when they disagree.”

We’re sure there shall be more juicy rumors to come. Stay tuned!