Showing posts with label Social. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Social. Show all posts

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Viral "Hot Cop" Warns "Survivor" Contestants Social Media Will Kill You

The “hot cop” who scored a spot on the new season of ‘Survivor’ is schooling the other contestants on what he’s learned from his 15 minutes of fame by warning them to delete “anything that can bite you in the ass over social media.” TMZ has…


Friday, April 27, 2018

Kanye West to Launch Donda Social to Help City of Chicago

Kanye West has hatched a plan to rescue hundreds of thousands of Chicago residents, and his circle of super famous friends is also getting in on the action.  Sources close to Kanye tell us the rapper created the idea of an organization called…


Monday, April 23, 2018

The Real Housewives of Atlanta Season 10 Episode 21 Recap: Kim Zolciak Claims Racism "Wasn"t Real" and Is Magnified by Social Media

Kim Zolciak took her final stand against her enemies on The Real Housewives of Atlanta Season 10 Episode 21, and we think it’s fair to say she won’t be missed. 

From deplorable comments to even more deplorable comments, Kim went out by pretty much incinerating what little credibility she had left. 

If you watch The Real Housewives of Atlanta online, you will already know that Kim has been going at it with most of the other housewives all season long. 

However, most of the housewives took offense to Kim branding Leakes as “sick and disgusting” for living in a roach nest. 

The housewives felt like this lapse in judgment was racist, and that Kim should own up to what she did wrong. 

“You’re reaching. Reaching,” Zolciak-Biermann fired back when she realized her words did not land with the ladies. “Don’t try it. It has nothing to do with the projects or none of that s—. A roach is a roach.”

But the real drama was saved for when Kim when Kim held a private meeting after the show was over. 

However, Andy was not ready to admit defeat and urged Kim to make her comments heard. 

“That bitch knows I’m not racist. NeNe knows I’m not racist,” Zolciak-Biermann said to Cohen.

“You know why you have not found another white woman to [join the cast]? Because nobody is dumb enough to do that!”

“Put yourself in my shoes — five African-American women — just hammered! I couldn’t even speak, my mind’s a f—— whirlwind!”

Kim then went a step too far by complaining that racism was only something being made bigger by social media. 

“This whole racism thing in this day in age is b——. Everyone of those m———— on that couch owe this world a f—— apology for this racism s—,” she said.

“They already tried to claim that s— long ago. Nobody bought into it then because the social media wasn’t there and racism wasn’t f—— all that real. You know it.”

We wish we were kidding about what she said, but she drew a line and took a high jump over it. 

It makes sense now that Kim is off the show because she never wanted to admit she was wrong, and the other housewives all seemed to echo Leakes’ sentiments about her. 

“How much can a person take?” Kim asked Cohen in the show’s final moments.

“There wasn’t even one positive question for me. I was hammered! … There wasn’t a positive question. I have a very success marriage, I have beautiful children, there was nothing positive.”

But Andy knew Kim had made her bed, and he or the producers were not to blame for the way she acted. 

“There was nothing positive, unfortunately, in your story from the season,” he told her. “It was all combative, it was. Because your whole time on the show as combative, it was.”

Yeah, we think it’s doubtful that Kim will ever appear on the series again, but she still has Don’t Be Tardy, and we’re not sure how that’s going to pan out. 

Okay, what did you think of the final episode of the season? Did Kim go too far? Should she return to reality TV?

Hit the comments below. 


Friday, April 20, 2018

TMZ Live: Cardi B & Bernie Sanders Join Forces Over Social Security!

ON TODAY’S SHOW Tristan Thompson Leaves Khloe In Cleveland Prince: Death Scene Video Released Kim & Kanye: Rare PDA! Meek Mill: Outraged Over Prison Release Delay


Bernie Sanders Happy to Have Cardi B Join Fight for Social Security

Cardi B standing shoulder to shoulder with Sen. Bernie Sanders – something he’d love to see if she’s serious about her love of the Social Security Administration.  We got the Vermont senator Thursday at Reagan National Airport…


Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Teen Mom 2 Fans to Jenelle Evans: Delete Your Social Media!

Rumors that Jenelle Evans is pregnant seem to make their way around social media on a near-constant basis.

Thankfully, Jenelle doesn’t get knocked up quite as often as Teen Mom Twitter thinks she does, as it seems like she already has her hands full with the three children currently under her care.

But it’s not hard to see why fans aren’t always quick to believe Jenelle’s denials.

After all, Evans has lied about being pregnant in the past, and in general, she doesn’t have the greatest track record when it comes to telling the truth.

Of course, Jenelle has made it clear that she has no intention of being silenced by her haters.

As such, she’s continued posting on just about every social media platform on a daily basis.

(Seriously, it’s rare to see someone who’s this active on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Twitter.)

And it seems her latest IG pic is more than just a standard bikini selfie.

It doubles as Jenelle’s way of letting the world know that there are no more little Evans-Easons on the way … for now, at least.

“They will say ‘she’s pregnant’.  #Summer #GoodVibes #Bikini #Rumors,” Jenelle wrote alongside the above photo.

We’re not sure why Jenelle thinks this photo would spark rumors that she’s expecting, but it seems that the caption is her way of preemptively addressing such hearsay.

In all likelihood, she simply felt like posting a bikini pic and realized a caption that mentions pregnancy would garner some extra attention.

And that’s fine.

Jenelle’s been in the game long enough to understand exactly how it works.

Besides, we’ll take something as innocent as a swimwear selfie over the other nonsense that she’s been posting lately.

As you may have heard, a photo of Jenelle shooting a gun sparked major controversy recently.

In fact, her husband, David Eason, was fired by MTV after issuing a hostile, bigoted response to fans who suggested that it was insensitive of Jenelle to post such a pic within hours of the deadly school shooting in Parkland, Florida.

Now, Jenelle is free to express her political beliefs as she sees fit, of course.

But surely, even she can see how such a photo might not go over well on the day of unthinkably tragic mass shooting.

The incident served as yet another reminder that Jenelle should probably stick to apolitical content.

We’d say it would be even better for her to just delete her socials altogether, but we all know that will never happen.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for more insanity from the Carolina Hurricane herself.


Monday, March 5, 2018

Tori Roloff Makes Social Media Vow: Let Me Be Your Light!

Tori Roloff is not here for the hate.

The Little People, Big World star is a frequent poster on Instagram, but she never takes off her clothing.

She never hurls shade at anyone. She doesn’t really express controversial opinions of any kind, really.

So, how does she have over 662,000 followers?

Because Tori brings a positivity to the platform that, unfortunately, is rarely seen online these days.

As the mother of one explains in a new Instagram caption (for the photo above), she just wants to appreciate every moment of her amazing life and to express constant gratitude and hope with each entry.

“I feel like I just need to put this out there,” Tori said to open her post, adding:

“I am so blessed by the gift I’ve been given of having a platform on social media to share love acceptance and kindness with so many people.

“I so never imagined my life going in this direction and I thank God every single day that he has shown me how to love greater than I ever thought possible.”

How refreshing, right?

A celebrity who does not take her status for granted in any way, shape or form.

Sounding a bit like sister-in-law Audrey Roloff, Tori goes on to cite her faith and religion and to use it to explain her philosophy on social media.

And in life, really.

“I am just a normal woman,” Tori says.

“There’s nothing extraordinary about me. I live my life the way i believe God wants me to and I just try to be a good person. I am so thankful I can share my story with my followers and I pray that my social media is a place to bring light into someone else’s life.

“That being said I see how social media can quickly become such a dark and scary place. I don’t want that here.”

Tori married Zach Roloff on July 25, 2015.

They welcomed a son named Jackson into the world on May 10, 2017.

Continues Tori in her inspiring post:

“I choose to laugh and be silly and not take things so seriously because I love life and I love having fun in life.

“I hope you all see that and maybe even practice that on your own social media outlets.”

Tori really does walk this walk, too, she doesn’t merely talk the talk.

Just consider the recent message she sent about love

In conclusion, Tori plans to savor every day she wakes up and realizes this life is not a dream.

She simply married the man she loved and that has led to all of this incredible success, on both the television small screen and the computer small screen.

“My goal here is to continue to make people laugh and show everyone I’m just a normal girl who got thrown into extraordinary circumstances and you better believe I’m not going to waste a damn moment.”

We love it.

We just disagree with one thing:

Having this attitude does make Tori Roloff extraordinary. It’s a lesson every on the planet would be wise to follow.


Friday, March 2, 2018

Jill Duggar SLAMMED For Racist Social Media Comment!

Jill Duggar is in hot water yet again.

Although at this point, she’s probably used to the temperature, as it’s where she spends most of her time.

As you may have heard, Derick Dillard was fired by TLC after harassing a fellow network star on Twitter.

Derick did not appear in Monday’s Countong On season premiere, and many fans took note of the fact that Jill was absent from the episode as well.

So it appears that Jill is either sitting this one out, or she was axed alongside her husband.

Either way, if she had hoped the scrutiny of her personal life would diminish now that she’s stepped away from the spotlight, she’s got another thing coming.

The latest mini-scandal has to do with a comment that Jill posted on her sister Joy-Anna’s Instagram page.

As you may have heard, Joy welcomed her first child this month, and the photo above is the first pic of little Gideon to appear online. 

“We are so blessed by the arrival of our son, Gideon Martyn Forsyth! He was born on 02/23/18 @ 3:39pm, weighing 10lbs. 3oz. and was 22 inches long!” Joy captioned the image.

Jill remarked:

“Congrats @austinandjoyforsyth on baby Gideon! We are so happy for y’all! #anotherbuddyinourteam #favoritetia.”

It’s that second hashtag that’s got everyone up in arms.

“I’m Hispanic and it feels like she is using Spanish to seem cool, hip, whatever. Sounds like cultural appropriation to me.” wrote one commenter.

“At this point, it feels like cultural appropriation. You’re not in [Central America] anymore, Jill. Derick is not papa, you are not tia,” commented another.

The second remark refers to the fact that Jill and Derick performed missionary work in El Salvador for the better part of two years.

We won’t bother to weigh in on the controversy regarding Jill’s use of “tia” except to say it seems a bit nit-picky.

Far it be it for us to defend a couple as problematic as the Dillards, but we wonder if this same people would be this upset if Jill casually tossed out an “adios,” or another word borrowed from Spanish.

Interestingly, it seems criticism of Jill and Derick has only intensified in the months since Derick was fired.

That’s partially for good reason.

After all, Derick sais some pretty abhorrent things, and it certaintly doesn’t seem he’s learned his lesson.

Still, maybe fans should be saving their outrage for occasions like the time Derick attacked the Parkland shooting survivors in an unhinged social media tirade.

We know that outrage isn’t a finite resource (especially in 2018), but it’s most effective when used judiciously.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Nicki Minaj Ditched Social Media to Focus on Epic, New Album

Nicki Minaj isn’t missing, hiding or lying low because she’s pregnant — she’s just been in beast mode working on making her next album a masterpiece. Sources close to Nicki tell us … she decided to ditch social media at the end of 2017 to fully…


Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Meghan Markle Deletes Social Media Accounts, World Wonders Why

Meghan Markle has gone radio silent.

Or, to be more specific to the year 2018, Meghan Markle has gone Twitter, Instagram and Facebook silent.

The question this has prompted from the public is a simple one…


The former USA Network actress surprised her social media followers on Tuesday afternoon when she deactivated all three of her aforementioned accounts.

She did so after attending her first royal engagement of the year with Prince Harry.

Moreover, this social media blackout comes about nine months after she closed her lifestyle blog, The Tig, along with its corresponding social media pages.

What is the line of thinking here?

It may be that Markle is sick of trolls harassing her about every little thing, but it also may just be due to how significant her life has already changed.

Come May 19, Markle will officially be a member of The Royal Family.

She can’t just share random photos or even inspirational messages at that point.

Those are a part of this unique clan are basically always spoken for by Kensington Palace, which does have a Twitter account and which shares such pertinent information as Markle and Harry’s wedding date.

Wrote Markle upon ending The Tig:

“After close to three beautiful years on this adventure with you, it’s time to say goodbye.

“What began as a passion project (my little engine that could) evolved into an amazing community of inspiration, support, fun and frivolity.

“You’ve made my days brighter and filled this experience with so much joy.”

The beautiful star founded the website in 2014, with her favorite red wine inspiring its name: Tignanello.

“Keep finding those Tig moments of discovery, keep laughing and taking risks, and keep being ‘the change you wish to see in the world,” Meghan wrote at the time, concluding:

“Above all, don’t ever forget your worth. As I’ve told you time and time again: you, my sweet friend, you are enough.”

Since agreeing to be Mrs. Prince Harry in a few months, Markle has retired from acting and talked excitedly about her next step in life.

Not just as Harry’s wife, but as a very public figure on a mission.

Meghan has said she plans to focus her attention on charitable initiatives, even if acting will always have a place in her heart.

“I don’t see it as giving anything up. I just see it as a change,” she said in a BBC interview after announcing her engagement.

She added:

“It’s a new chapter, right? And also, keep in mind, I’ve been working on [Suits] for seven years. We were very, very fortunate to have that sort of longevity on a series…

“I’ve ticked this box, and I feel very proud of the work I’ve done there, and now it’s time to work with [Harry] as a team.”


Friday, January 5, 2018

Alaskan Bush People: Gabe Brown Breaks Social Media Silence!

Back in late November, we were all warned of an Alaskan Bush People imposter catfishing people as Gabe Brown.

That warning came via his little sister, Rain Brown, who has been acting as the unofficial spokesperson for the Brown family thanks to her powerful social media presence.

Well, after a long absence, Gabe Brown appears to be back on Instagram, folks. The real Gabe. And he has a new photo to prove it.

This selfie was the last that we saw on social media of Alaskan Bush People star Gabe Brown.

Posted back in August of 2017, it was followed by an absence of several months. To be fair, though, his hiatus didn’t come out of nowhere.

In a series of now-deleted Instagram videos, Gabe suggested that he was considering stepping back from the internet while he battled a broken heart.

“I might quit social media altogether the only friend I wanted to follow me in the first place I guess blocked me I do appreciate all the friends I’ve made trying to regain my best one I lost.”

That sounds devastating.

“But after FB it’s just not very fun anymore not good bey just see y’all later keep up the cool posts God bless you all have fun and laugh often your Instagram friend Gabe. Lots of love to everyone.”

In the past, as in this photo, Gabe had made light of romantic misfortune.

This particular image, posted only weeks before his final selfie, was captioned:

“My romantic evening for one I have these too often lol.”

Clearly, though, he found it hard to move on after rejection and we guess that being on social media either no longer held any interest or was simply too painful.

Or, perhaps, both.

Gabe Brown shared this blurry selfie out of nowhere on January 2nd.

He captioned his triumphant return to social media:

“I’m back [grinning emoji] moohaha”

(We think that the bit at the end was supposed to be a gregarious or even playfully sinister laugh, like muahaha or mwahaha, rather than sounding like the laughter of a nefarious cow)

That’s great news!

Fans and followers were quick to welcome Gabe back with open arms, commenting:

“Welcome back I’ve missed talking with you.”

“Nice to see you back on IG we all have hard times but you have the strongest family bond there is.”

Welcome back I would love to chat with you.

“So glad. I’m so sorry about your mom. My mom passed in 2002. I no how hard it can be. Love the show and you.”

Some kept it short, sweet, and purely positive:

“Hi Gabe!! Happy New Year!”

Considering that Rain had clarified that Gabe was going through some tough times when she warned of the imposter, this is good news.

Good news for fans, sure, because they’re happy to get updates on Gabe’s well-being.

But also good news, in that it may be a sign that Gabe’s emotional health is in a better place.

He’s putting himself out there again, and that can only be a good thing, right?

We think so.


Thursday, December 28, 2017

Mike Epps Accused of Stealing Idea for Social Media Awards TV Show

Mike Epps got the green light for a new TV show but now 3 producers are raging … claiming the comedian flagrantly stole their idea. Calvin Valrie, LaMichael Finney and Bervick J. Deculus have lawyered up and fired off a cease and desist…


Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Matt Lauer Mostly Scrubbed from "Today" Show Social Media After Firing

Matt Lauer, formerly the face of NBC, is already a ghost as far as the network’s online presence is concerned. Lauer’s been replaced on the “Today” cover photos for the show’s social media — specifically Facebook and Twitter. They used to feature…


Friday, November 3, 2017

Joy-Anna Duggar: Here"s Why I Disappeared From Social Media

Back in August, we learned that Joy-Anna Duggar is pregnant with her first child.

Many fans assumed that like her older sisters, Joy-Anna would be offering regular updates on her pregnancy in the form of baby bump selfies and lengthy Instagram posts.

Thus far, however, that hasn’t happened.

Joy-Anna has been silent on social media for over a month now, and many fans are taking her silence as confirmation of a popular theory.

Many Duggar obsessives believe that Joy-Anna got pregnant before her wedding and is currently engaged in an effort to hide that fact from the public.

The Duggars are vehemently opposed to premarital sex, to the point that they oppose just about all forms of physical contact between non-married couples.

So if the rumors about Joy-Anna’s “shotgun wedding” are true, the Duggars would once again be exposed as hypocrites.

Joy-Anna’s parents, Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar, are incredibly meticulous when it comes to managing their public image, so if Joy and Austin Forsyth did violate the “rules of courtship,” we’ll almost certainly never find out about it.

Given the circumstances, it’s not hard to see why fans were suspicious of Joy’s sudden social media hiatus.

Many speculated that she’s hiding a baby bump that would away her actual date of conception.

Only one photo of Joy has surfaced in the past month–a closeup of her face that Austin posted on her birthday and that only added fuel to the fires of speculation.

Perhaps bowing to pressure to address the rumors, Joy kind of emerged from hiding today and refuted claims that she’s several months further along than she claims.

“I’m sorry I haven’t really been that active,” Joy wrote on her family’s website today.

“My life has become busy lately, but I shall try and post more often.”

Fans were quick to point out that Joy still hasn’t been seen by anyone outside of her family in several months.

One insider tells Radar Online that Joy is telling the truth when she says she’s simply been preoccupied with other matters.

“They’re working on their house,” the source says.

“It’s getting close.”

Yes, Joy and Austin are building a house together.

Whish sounds like the sort of thing that would inspire a slew of Instagram posts from most 20-year-olds.

Just sayin’.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Jinger Duggar SLAMMED on Social Media: Get a Job!

Jinger Duggar is often credited with being the one member of the Duggar clan who’s willing to rebel against her parents’ draconian rules, and it’s not hard to see why.

Unlike the other women in her family, Jinger wears pants in defiance of her family’s dress code; she married a guy who her father’s not crazy about, and then she really flipped the bird by moving out of state against Jim Bob’s wishes.

It’s only a matter of time before Jinger dyes her hair black and starts listening to The Cure, or whatever rebellious early-20-somethings do nowadays.

But it’s important to remember that for all of her innocuous acts of defiance, Jinger still enjoyed a very privileged and unimaginably sheltered upbringing.

As a result, she’s more than a little out of touch, and despite her best efforts to rebrand herself as a woman of the modern world, the 23-year-old can’t help but occasionally remind viewers that she grew up rich AF and only interacted with her parents and siblings.

Take Jinger’s latest Instagram upload, for example.

Seems innocent enough, right?

It’s just a photo of her husband, Jeremy Vuolo, standing in an empty movie theater.

But it’s the timing and the caption of the pic that have fans up in arms:

“Apparently the theater is not ‘the place to be’ on a Monday afternoon…good thing we got here early????” Jinger wrote.

Yes, Jinger and Jeremy went to the movies on a random non-holiday Monday and were shocked to find they were the only ones in the theater.

That’s like asking for a truffle and goldleaf footlong at Subway and being shocked when your sandwich artist doesn’t immediately offer to pair it with a nice malbec.

Not surprisingly, fans went off on Jinger in the comments.Jinger in the comments.

“Ummm perhaps 95% of people are working???” wrote follower, adding multiple question marks so that you know she’s serious.

“Most people have jobs not tv shows that make them money,” commented a second Bernie Sanders supporter.

We’d like to add our voice to the chorus and proclaim that Jinger’s actions are appalling–but not for the reason everyone else thinks.

Sure, Jinger conveyed exactly how tone deaf and out of touch she is by dropping a “Didja ever notice movie theaters are always empty during the workday?” gag like she’s the forgotten love child of Paris Hilton and Jerry Seinfeld.Jinger conveyed exactly how tone deaf and out of touch she is by dropping a “Didja ever notice movie theaters are always empty during the workday?” gag like she’s the forgotten love child of Paris Hilton and Jerry Seinfeld.

But the real travesty here is that you know Jinger and Jeremy weren’t at the theater to see something cool like Bladerunner 2049, and instead they shelled out for the leatest Kirk Cameron screed about how Jesus thinks all lives matter, or some such BS.

It’s 2017, Jinger.

We know your husband probably wouldn’ty be cool with you staying home to binge-watch The Handmaid’s Tale, but you can still step up your pop culture consumption game.

Watch Counting On online for more from the only most human couple to emerge from the tiny town of Tontitown, Arkansas.


Friday, September 15, 2017

Meghan Markle, Suits Co-Star Caught Up In Social Media Controversy

For weeks now, we’ve been hearing rumors that Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are secretly engaged.

According to those who believe the reports, there’s good reason for the couple’s secrecy.

Royal engagements can be messy affairs that require the approval of numerous parties.

Sources say Meghan met the Queen last week, and many believe Harry asked for his grandmother’s blessing to marry Markle.

It was initially reported that several Royals weren’t crazy about the idea of a Harry-Meghan marriage.

They had nothing against Meghan personally, the insiders claimed, they were just a bit put off by the PR nightmares that might stem from Harry marrying an American actress.

And now, it looks as though the concerned parties might be seeing their worst-case scenario come true.

For obvious reason, there’s intense interest in Meghan’s personal life on both sides of the pond.

This has resulted in numerous ridiculous tabloid rumors, such as the one that had Meghan cheating on Harry.

Americans who weren’t previously Royal watchers have taken a greater interest in Meghan than in Harry’s previous girlfriends, not only because it really looks as though the couple is actually headed for the altar, but also because she’s the star of a long-running American television series.

(That airs on the USA network, no less!)

Now, Meghan’s the other stars of Suits are beginning to experience the complications that can arise from having a future Royal as a co-worker.

Life & Style is reporting today that actor Patrick J. Adams was forced to delete his entire Instagram account after posting a photo of Meghan.

Sources say Adams posted a photo of himself and Markle on set, with a caption reading:

“Ross and Rachel — the next generation.”

Yes, that was all it took for fans to start commenting about the possibility of Meghan cheating on Harry with Adams, or of Adams and Markle hooking up in the past.

Marrying a prince might be a pretty common fantasy, but it looks like Meghan is already experiencing the downside, and she and Harry aren’t even officially engaged yet.

Perhaps that’s why she’s avoiding the press at all cost these days.

“I don’t read any press,” Meghan said in a recent interview.

“I haven’t even read press for Suits. The people who are close to me anchor me in knowing who I am. The rest is noise.”

That’s probably a wise move.


Thursday, September 7, 2017

Russell Okung: Michael Bennett Issue Proves Owners Need To Step Up On Social Issues

Chargers star lineman Russell Okung is calling out NFL owners, telling TMZ Sports it’s high time they get involved in social issues that affect the players’ lives, and stop sitting on the sidelines. Okung’s good friend, Michael Bennett,…


Sunday, September 3, 2017

Jacob Roloff: Why Is His Girlfriend Leaving Social Media?!?

Isabel Rock has people talking.

And wondering.

And asking many, many questions.

This is the first question you may be asking:

Who is Isabel Rock?

She’s the girlfriend of Jacob Roloff, the former Little People, Big World cast member who quit the TLC reality show last summer amidst allegations that the show is phony and scripted.

Over the past year or so, Rock and Roloff have been on a constant road trip, traveling along the Pacific Northwest with their two dogs.

Which brings us to Friday and Isabel’s mysterious Instagram post. It opened as follows:

“Have you ever been faced with a life changing decision? If you choose one way, your life will change drastically.. but if you choose another, your life will also change drastically,” she wrote.

Rock went on to ponder: But which one is the ‘right’ one?!

To what could Rock be referring?

A marriage proposal, perhaps?!?

“You’ve prayed, you have weighed the pros and cons. Still, your mind says one thing and your heart says another,” wrote Rock, adding:

“I know, FOLLOW YOUR HEART. My heart is always going to tell me to be free, be somebody who can always move with the wind, never tie yourself down because it’s just not you. Ah, it’s a tough call I am going to have to make.”

Tie yourself down, huh?

This sounds very much like Jacob asked for her hand in marriage. But that’s merely a guess on our part.”

“I have to decide what my future will look like. It’s the 1st of September. A fresh start. I think I’m going to start it with a social media break,” concluded Isabel.

“Because, well, let’s face it… Scrolling my Instagram feed is not helping me any right now. So, send good thoughts my way as I try to navigate this next season of life.”

Perplexing, isn’t it?

Isabel and Jacob often include photos of each other on their social media feeds. But they rarely discuss their romance in public.

It’s also possible Roloff wants to return to Little People, Big World and Isabel wants no part of the series.

Only time will tell, we suppose.

But that doesn’t mean you can’t hypothesize! Sound off below with your best guess now regarding what the heck Rock is talking about!


Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Joel Osteen Refuses to Open Church to Hurricane Victims, Gets DESTROYED on Social Media

Joel Osteen is a celebrity pastor and author who spreads the word of God from inside a converted NBA arena that holds nearly 17,000 people.

He also sucks. A LOT.

Allow us to explain why…

Osteen’s Lakewood Church is located in the Houston area, where Hurricane Harvey made landfall over the weekend and where thousands upon thousands of people are now homeless as a result of extreme flooding.

In response, various local businesses have opened their doors to displaced residents, doing all they can to be of assistance.

Consider this Tweet and this inspiring photo from Gallery Furniture, for example:

mattress store

But Osteen has not followed helpful suit.

Despite teaching the gospel of Jesus Christ (who did say a few things about helping your fellow man, right?), Osteen has refused to offer his giant church as shelter to those desperately in need.

For what possible reason?

Initially, representatives for Lakewood Church said the facility was closed due to flooding in the area.

Except… there is no flooding in the area.

A number of photos have since cropped up on social media that make it clear cars are parked right outside the building and the streets look relatively calm and safe.

osteen church

After these photos made their Internet rounds and Osteen was slammed by bad press, he amended his church’s original statement and claim.

“We have never closed our doors,” Osteen said in a statement, adding:

“We will continue to be a distribution center to those in need. We are prepared to house people once shelters reach capacity. Lakewood will be a value to the community in the aftermath of this storm.”

Lakewood is a nondenominational church that hosts about 52,000 attendees weekly and is one of the largest congregations in the United States.

Osteen has penned a number of self-help and religious books and is worth about $ 50 million, according to reports.

He’s under extreme fire for not doing more to help his community during this extraordinarily difficult time.

“#Houston’s Joel Osteen has a net worth over $ 50m and a church that holds 16,800 but this is all he’s offering,” Tweeted Mark Elliott, with a link to a picture of the preacher’s packed Lakewood Church.

Hurricane Harvey has dumped around 40 inches of water on Houston and neighboring areas.

More rain is expected this week.

The reported death toll is somewhere between five and 10, but damage caused by floods is incalcuable.

The city will need years to recover.

“Victoria & I are praying for everyone affected by Hurricane Harvey,” Osteen Tweeted on Saturday. “Please join us as we pray for the safety of our Texas friends & family.”

Residents do not need prayers, however. They need food, shelter and hope.

joel tweet

It’s perhaps worth noting that this church has previously been active in relief efforts, including sheltering displaced victims during Hurricane Katrina in 2005.

We’ll keep readers apprised of the situation and we urge everyone to do everything you can to assist those affected by this catastrophic storm.

You can follow this link to donate to the Red Cross, for instance. Any amount will help.


Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Ian Somerhalder Breaks Social Media Silence, Posts a Moving Tribute to Nikki Reed!

Get ready to start believing in love again!

So, remember how Ian Somerhalder and Nikki Reed said goodbye to social media for a while when Nikki Reed gave birth? Their break from technology was intended to help them focus on their first child.

Well, not two weeks in, and Ian’s already breaking the rule — to write a very, very sweet tribute to his wife.

In case you’ve forgotten, since Ian and Nikki announced it before she even gave birth, they were planning on bonding with their baby, exclusively.

“We’ll take the baby’s first month for ourselves. After the baby arrives, we’re doing one month of silence. Just the three of us, no visitors, and we’re turning off our phones too, so there’s no expectation for us to communicate.”

(That sounds like a nightmare, because you need your phone for everyday life — how are you gonna eat? By cooking? Like the Amish?)

To be fair, Ian Somerhalder’s already broken their “month of silence” rule, like, five times, by our count.

This makes number six, but we’ll totally let it slide:

Ian Somerhalder took to Instagram and, alongside a photo of Nikki Reed’s Fit Pregnancy and Baby cover, basically poured his heart out.

He starts it off simple and sweet:

“Just a quick note to you my beautiful wife.”

Yes, that is the correct way to address your wife.

“You are briefly napping on the other side of the room after being an amazing mom all night so you’ll read this when you wake…”

So clearly he used the opportunity to sneak off to Instagram and look through their photos.

But, you know, for a good reason.

“Seeing these images reminds me of those amazing 9 months that you sacrificed your whole being to grow our little one.”

That’s such an important statement.

Pregnancy permanently alters your body and even your skeletal structure, and it’s a total pain (literally) starting fairly early on after conception.

Some men take that lightly. Ian Somerhalder clearly does not.

“The kindness, the beauty, and organic nature of these photos makes me so very proud.”

Basically, his wife is hot and he wants to make sure that everybody knows.

(We know)

“You brought such fun and such power into our lives being pregnant but you literally brought the word sexy into pregnancy, we all see it.”

That’s a goofy statement, but the guy’s in love and quite possibly running on less sleep than he needs.

We’re not saying that pregnant women can’t be fun or even sexy.

We’re just saying that his phrasing of it makes him come across a little lovestruck.

“Thank you for being my partner in this life and thank you for inspiring not just me but all others who read, hear or see what your soul gives us.”

It’s really good of him to share this message with the world instead of just, like, jotting it down on pen and paper for her to read, like it’s the Dark Ages or something.

First, it’s insight into their love life.

“Love, You husband”

We were a little leery of this relationship when it started.

It’s not just because we were, despite ourselves, pretty aggressively shipping Delena (that is, Ian’s character Damon with Nina Dobrev’s character Elena, at least by the second season of The Vampire Diaries) back before that show went off the rails.

It’s more because Ian had been dating Nina Dobrev, who is gorgeous and wonderful, and then it felt really abrupt when he started dating Nina’s friend, Nikki Reed.

But, you know what? If Nina Dobrev’s cool with Ian and Nikki, then so are we. 

Plus, it’s almost impossible to dislike Ian. The guy’s totally devoted to environmental causes so much that he’s basically Captain Planet.

(Also someone at some studio somewhere needs to get off their butt and make a Captain Planet reboot film and cast Ian as the titular character, right now immediately)

And it’s kind of impossible to see Ian and Nikki being so cute and lovey with each other and about their baby without feeling any affection yourself.
