Showing posts with label Fallon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fallon. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Jimmy Fallon vs. James Corden: Unexpected Feud Alert!

The late night network landscape is positively overrun by Jameses these days.

Sure, Stephen Colbert and Seth Meyers enjoyed bumps due to their election coverage, but they may have to photoshop their birth certificates if they want to continue to compete.

(Come to think of it, America seems primed for a late night birther controversy, at the moment!)

Kimmel, of course, is the O.G. Jimmy (We suppose that should be the O.J., but we can’t do that to the man.), having held down his time slot on ABC since back in 2003.

Next came Fallon, beginning with a 12:30 spot on NBC in 2009, and taking over the revered Tonight Show at 11:30 in 2014.

Late to the party (Or should we say late, late to the party?) was James Corden, who took over The Late, Late Show last year.

Corden seemed an odd choice at first, as he was a virtual unknown to American audiences and he doesn’t tell jokes, so much as he … drives around and sings songs with celebrities?

We don’t really get his appeal, but against all odds, the self-deprecating Brit has found himself an audience.

But like the Beatles before him, Corden isn’t content to just croon a few bars for a notoriously fickle demo.

No, sources say he wants to launch a full-scale invasion, and he’s got his sights set on everyone’s favorite king of party games and hair-tousling:

Yes, according to Radar Online, Corden thinks Fallon is vulnerable, not because of his controversial softball interview with Donald Trump, but because of the other well-publicized issue that’s given Jimmy more than his share of press headaches.

Rumors about Fallon’s drinking problem have plagued the beloved comic for years.

Sources say his boozing has resulted in injuries (including two falls that resulted in hospitalizations), problems at home, and frequent friction with his bosses.

NBC execs issued a statement on Fallon’s drinking back in January and claimed they had no real concerns, but many remain unconvinced.

And where NBC might see a potential crisis, Corden reportedly sees an opportunity.

“He sees Jimmy as a loose cannon and it’s just a matter of time before he screws up,” a source close to the situation tells Radar.

“They couldn’t be more polar opposites — James lives a sober life off-camera and is careful about not partying with his staff.”

The insider adds that Corden is hungry for an 11:30 time slot, and he sees Fallon as being far less reliable than his own network’s Colbert –  a trait he believes will eventually lead NBC to seek new talent elsewhere.

“James has every intention of knocking Fallon off his pedestal when the time is right and he’s playing a slow and studied game to make it happen,” says the source.

“James studies Jimmy’s program to make sure they haven’t copied his funniest bits, while Jimmy tends to crash James’ interviews at events.”

Frankly, if this is really Mr. Corden’s plan, we think he’s out of luck.

Not only will NBC put up with all manner of Fallon shenanigans so long as his ratings remain steady, Corden isn’t the only backup looking for a chance to start.

Seth Meyers has been crushing it lately, and he’s been a favorite at NBC since his days on SNL.

Looks like for now, James should probably just stay in his lane – the carpool lane.


Friday, November 18, 2016

Nicole Kidman to Jimmy Fallon: You Blew It With Me!

Jimmy Fallon is not exactly known for hard-hitting interviews.

See Trump, Donald.

But the tables were turned a bit on The Tonight Show host this week when Nicole Kidman sat down for a follow-up interview to her memorable Q&A from January of last year.

In that initial appearance, Kidman needled Fallon about being a terrible date, thinking back to a very long time ago in which they actually went out, but Fallon barely talked and even put on a video game at one point.

"After about an hour and a half, I thought, ‘He has no interest, this is so embarrassing and then I was like, ‘Maybe he’s gay,"" Kidman said at the time.

Fast forward nearly two years later to Thursday evening and Kidman only half-joked on set that she was hesitant to return as a guest after the way the previous interview had gone.

She then reminded the host that their date wasn’t even the only time he blew her off.

“You had a chance to ask for my number a second time and you didn’t,” she said.

Wait… what? Fallon said he didn"t recall this situation.

So Kidman went on to set the scene at David Fincher"s house back in the day, explaining who else was there and how she thought Fallon would ask for her number again and…

.. nope, nothing. Fallon was clueless.

"That’s even more offensive that you don’t remember,” the Oscar winner said. “You’re kidding, aren’t you? Do not pretend!”

Watch their full, very awkward and very funny exchange below:

Nicole kidman to jimmy fallon you blew it with me

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Jimmy Fallon and Jonah Hill Draw Nude Model, Act Like Grown Ups

Any situation that involves Jimmy Fallon and Jonah Hill is sure to be chock full of laughs, and last night"s was no exception.

Hill went on The Tonight Show to promote his new movie, War Dogs. 

Rather than play a game as he does with most guests, Fallon took Hill to the Art Students League for some drawing lessons.

Ah, what a time they had.  

The two "students" were asked to first draw a still life portrait of a bowl of fruit and a decanter.  What Hill found unsettling about the scene set before him was a lone artichoke.  

"Most fruit plates I put out don"t have an artichoke," Hill said.

Fallon completed his portrait and proudly showed it to Hill and the teacher.

"I call this extreme artichoke," he declared.

"Mine is called…art of pain," Hill said with a laugh as Fallon giggled over the hot mess Hill had drawn on his sketch pad.

"I think it"s definitely easier and more generic to, like, draw exactly what you see.  So, like, good job," Hill said in defense of his portrait.

The teacher then introduced Patrick, the students" live model.  Patrick derobed, and neither Hill nor Fallon could hold it together.

It"s nearly impossible for Fallon to keep a straight face/stay in character when he finds something funny.  The man literally could not contain his laughter as soon as Patrick took off his robe to reveal a stark naked body.

"Grow up, Jimmy," Hill mocked his buddy as soon as he himself stopped laughing.

Patrick stood stone-faced as he moved into different poses, each one mocked by the students.

Hill and Fallon thought one pose looked "sassy," which…to be fair, it did.

"Ya"ll don"t know me," Fallon captioned Patrick"s pose.

Hill jokes that Patrick is actually his father, and insists that Fallon introduce himself and compliment Patrick"s…body?

The big reveal came at the end, when Hill revealed his hidden talent for drawing Fallon in the nude.

Isn"t it amazing what one art lesson can teach you?!

Watch the video below. 

Jimmy fallon and jonah hill draw nude model act like grown ups

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Jimmy Fallon May Have Given The Best Orlando Tribute Yet

Jimmy Fallon is a laugh-and-a-half, but he"s also knows how to get deep when the occasion calls for it.

Last night, The Tonight Show host addressed the June 12th Orlando shooting in his opening monologue, something other show hosts, including Conan O"Brien and John Oliver, also felt compelled to do.

"I know everyone is angry right now and doesn"t know how to react and this is a time when people are looking to us as a country and how we will react," Fallon told the audience inside Rockefeller Center.

"This country was built on an idea that we don"t agree on everything; that we are a tolerant, free nation that encourages debate, free-thinking, believing, or not, in what you choose."

As a parent, Fallon"s next point made the horrific attack that left 49 innocent victims dead all the more emotional.

"I, as a new father, am thinking, "What do I tell my kids?"" he asked, referring to his two daughters.

"What do I tell them about this? What can we learn from this? What if my kids are gay?

"What do I tell them Maybe there"s a lesson from all this. A lesson in tolerance," he said.

"We need to support each other"s differences and worry less about our own opinions.   Get back to debate and away from believing or supporting the idea that if someone doesn"t live the way you want them to live, you just buy a gun and kill them. Bomb them up.

"That is not OK." 

"We need to get back to being brave enough to accept that we have different opinions and that"s OK, because that is what America is built on," he continued.

"The idea that we can stand up and speak our minds and live our lives and not be punished for that, or mocked on the Internet, or killed by someone you don"t know."

"This was just one bad guy here. 49 good people and one bad guy, and there will always be more good than evil."

Fallon wrapped up with a beautiful message about moving forward as a global community, and continuing to prove that love is the strongest weapon against hate.

"When I think of Orlando, I think of nothing but fun and joy and families.

"If anyone can do it, you can. Keep loving each other. Keep respecting each other. And keep on dancing."

Couldn"t have said it better myself.

Jimmy fallon may have given the best orlando tribute yet

Friday, June 10, 2016

President Obama Slow Jams News with Jimmy Fallon, Mocks Donald Trump

President Barack Obama and his high approval rating were guests on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon on Thursday night.

During his appearance, the Commander-in-Chief wrote some thank you notes, slow-jammed the news and took aim at Donald Trump.

Just hours prior to stopping by the program, Obama expressed his support for Hillary Clinton in the upcoming election.

He then received a standing ovation upon taking the stage to talk about the news in funny fashion alongside the host and some background music.

“President Obama stimulated long-term growth,” the comedian opened.

“In 2008, the country wasn’t feeling in the mood. It was too tired, stressed, said it had a headache. Barack lit some candles and got some silky satin sheets. Told the American people, ‘Yes, we can.’”

A smiling Obama added to his list of achievements:

“Same sex couples across the country now a constitutional right to marry, because love is love,” he said.

“Commander in preach!” Fallon replied, moving on to reference Beyonce and her latest album.

“When Republicans gave him lemons, he made so much lemonade Beyonce stated calling him ‘Baraky with the good hair."”

Will Obama stick around four more years?

“There will be no third term,” he replied. “I can’t stay forever. Besides, Daddy’s got a Hawaiian vacation booked in about 223 days, but who’s counting!”

Naturally, the Republican nominee for the highest office in the land also had to be brought up.

“Mr. President, since you’re here, I’ve got to ask: Have you been watching all the election coverage this week about Donald Trump?” sang Fallon.

“No, but I have been watching my new favorite show, Orange Is Not the New Black,” POTUS shot back.

Eh, not bad. We’ve seen the President make better jokes (see below).

The episode was taped on Wednesday.

Prior to Thursday initial broadcast, Fallon Tweeted:

“Tonight’s show makes me want to do this show forever. I’m so lucky to have this job and the people I work with. I hope you like it.”

We’re guessing between 50%- 55% of the country liked it a lot.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Jimmy Fallon to Admit to Drinking Problem in New Memoir?

For whatever reason, late night hosts generally don’t find their names mentioned in celebrity gossip circles very often.

Maybe it’s because every single one that currently occupies a network time slot is a middle-aged family man.

Maybe it’s because the work ethic required to reach such a lofty point in one’s career doesn’t jibe with a hard-partying lifestyle.

Whatever the case, Jimmy Fallon has become the exception to one of television’s most longest-standing rules in recent months.

It all started when Fallon severely injured his hand twice in less than five months. 

The second incident occurred when the Tonight Show host fell while holding a bottle of Jagermeister at a party:

Shortly thereafter, the 41-year-old chipped his tooth in an accident at home.

For obvious reasons, the succession of strange mishaps has raised concerns about Fallon’s drinking habits.

NBC execs issued a statement claiming that they weren’t concerned about Fallon’s alleged binges, but insiders have insisted that there’s been an ongoing effort to keep his boozing under wraps since well before the beloved comic took over for Jay Leno at 11:30.

“It’s gone from being a whisper to a chatter,” says one industry insider when asked about the rumors of Fallon’s heavy boozing.

“He’s a mess” confirms a Manhattan bartender who claims Fallon’s been a regular customer of hers for several years. “Everything you’ve heard [about his behavior] is true.”

Now, sources claim that Fallon has been offered a staggering sum (some say as high as $ 15 million) to pen a memoir.

And there are additional reports that Jimmy will take the opportunity to finally come clean about his boozing habits.

Friends of Fallon’s who prefer to remain anonymous say that he plans to confirm that he occasionally gets out of hand while partying, but firmly believes that he is not an alcoholic, as he abstains for long periods of time.

Some would argue that if Fallon frequently injures himself while drinking, then it’s clear that he does have a problem, but hopefully those folks will withhold judgment – at least until Jimmy gets to tell his side of the story.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Jimmy Fallon: NBC Issues Statement About Host"s Drinking Problem

Back in October, Tonight Show host Jimmy Fallon severely injured his hand for the second time in six months after he took a tumble while swigging Jagermeister during an event at Harvard.

On its own, the accident would’ve hardly been newsworthy, but coming on the heels of rumors about Fallon’s hard partying, as well as a bizarre incident in which he chipped a tooth last August, the fall prompted questions and concerns about Jimmy’s drinking habits.

Shortly after news of Fallin’ Fallon went viral, a rumor that NBC execs were planning to ask Jimmy to got to rehab during the show’s next hiatus began to circulate online.

That didn’t happen (as far as we know), but the fact that the network never came out and denied the reports led many to believe that some higher-ups were, in fact, worried about Fallon’s drinking

Yesterday, some of Fallon’s bosses finally spoke out on the matter at a press event for members of the Television Critics Association, and their were comments were…confusing, to say the least.

“He’s good. He doesn’t have a drinking problem,” said NBC Entertainment chairman Greenblatt. “He goes out and has fun. He’s had some accidents. Aside from that, he’s in better shape than he’s ever been.” 

Perhaps sensing that the crowd could detect the odor of BS emanating from his comments, Greenblatt added:

“Always, we are worried about his safety. There’s been conversations about that. The stories are exaggerated about this.”

So there you have it. Jimmy Fallon’s not a drunk! He just has the occasional accident while he’s “having fun,” and his bosses frequently worry about his health and safety!

Yeah, we predict you’ll tune in to see co-host Steve Higgins temporarily sitting in for Fallon sometime in the next year.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Jimmy Fallon: Drinking Has Bosses Worried, "He"s a Mess," Friends Say

Last week, we reported that Jimmy Fallon fell and injured his hand while celebrating with college students and the staff of the Harvard Lampoon at a party in his honor.

On its own, the injury wouldn’t have made many headlines, and might have been nothing more than a funny story during Fallon’s Monday night monologue.

Unfortunately, as regular viewers of The Tonight Show know, the sight of Fallon in bandages is not uncommon these days, as the beloved late night host has suffered three injuries in the past four months.

Over the summer, Fallon injured his hand during another freak accident. Shortly thereafter, he chipped his tooth, reportedly while opening a tube of ointment to treat the cuts on the finger that was nearly severed when he fell.

Naturally, all of these momentary lapses in balance have led to rumors that Fallon is hitting the bottle hard, and there have been rumors that NBC execs are planning an intervention for Fallon.

Now, their hand might be forced by a piece in yesterday’s New York Post that boldly declares that Fallon’s “partying is getting out of hand” and cites a number of incidents in which the 41-year-old comic made a spectacle of himself while drunk in public.

“It’s gone from being a whisper to a chatter,” says one industry insider when asked about the rumors of Fallon’s heavy boozing.

“He’s a mess” confirms a Manhattan bartender who claims Fallon’s been a regular customer of hers for several years. “Everything you’ve heard [about his behavior] is true.”

Even Fallon’s professional colleagues aren’t shy about discussing the host’s well-known love of the sauce.

“Everyone in New York has a Jimmy Fallon story,” says Fallon’s friend and warm-up comic, Seth Herzog. “It’s always like, ‘In 2000, Jimmy threw this dude out of a bar, or poured his beer on someone, or got on a table and sang a song.’”

Fallon’s former Saturday Night Live co-star Horatio Sanz recently described their time on the iconic sketch show, saying:

“[We were] superfunctioning alcoholics, definitely…They say that kind of goes hand in hand with ‘SNL,’ some kind of substance-abuse issues, because it’s so stressful, you easily find yourself blowing off steam a lot.”

At this point, it seems there’s little doubt that Fallon’s boozing periodically gets out of hand. The only question is: Does late night’s golden boy plan to do anything about it?

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Jimmy Fallon: Headed to Rehab?

On Saturday night, Jimmy Fallon fell and injured his hand at a party at which he was being honored by the editors of the Harvard Lampoon.

On its own, the incident wouldn’t have gained much notice, but coming as it did on the heels of several other bizarre mishaps for the late night host, this latest episode has sparked rumors that Fallon may have a drinking problem. A dubious version of events he offered on his show last night did little to alleviate concerns:

We’re not saying that Fallon wasn’t really carrying the bottle of Jagermeister in order to present it as a gift to the Harvard marching band, but the manner in which the host carefully avoided answering the question of whether or not he was intoxicated has aroused suspicions amongst some viewers.

In any event, it’s not only fans who are concerned that Fallon might be partying too hard.

Radar Online is reporting that Tonight Show producers and NBC execs are planning an intervention for Fallon in hopes of convincing him to enter rehab before he does any further damage to his body or reputation.

NBC Entertainment chairman Bob Greenblatt “is monitoring the situation closely,” one insider tells Radar.  “If he needs to intervene, it will be done,” the source adds.

One drunken tumble would be unlikely to generate discussion amongst top network brass, but in Fallon’s case, this latest injury is part of a disturbing trend.

Back in June, Fallon was hospitalized for an injury to his other hand following a freak accident in which the comic fell and caught his wedding ring on the corner of a table, nearly severing the finger.

Shortly thereafter, Fallon posted a photo of himself getting a chipped tooth fixed and later claimed that he broke it while attempting to open a tube of scar tissue gel.

Back in 2013, Fallon wore bandages on his hand for several weeks after badly cutting himself at home. He told his audience that the accident happened while he was making salsa.

As for this latest incident, those who were in attendance at the party say there’s no doubt that Fallon was extremely intoxicated at the time of his fall.

“He was definitely drunk,” says one witness. “At first people thought it was a joke when he fell since he had hurt himself before.”

“After he fell, the police helped him up. He immediately started yelling, ‘More Jager! More Jager!’ Eventually someone brought him more Jager.”

Regardless of whether or not he winds up seeking help, we’re thinking less Jager is in order for Jimmy going forward.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Selena Gomez to Jimmy Fallon: I Believe in Ghosts!

Selena Gomez recently got scared by a dude pretending to be Taylor Swift on Ellen.

But the singer then went on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon and talked calmly about a subject that would scare most other people down the bone.

"I believe in ghosts," Gomez told the host, matter-of-factly.

She went on to show off an actual app that checks for ghosts, proceeding to do a sweep of Studio 6B in order to see if any apparitions were hanging out there

Did she find any? Did she talk at all about Justin Bieber? What did Selena have to say about past insecurities regarding her "deep" voice?

These are all good questions. They are all answered in this video.

Selena gomez to jimmy fallon i believe in ghosts

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Andy Cohen Told Tori Spelling To "Eat Something" And It Didn"t Go Well! Watch Him Explain The Awkward Exchange To Jimmy Fallon!

Despite constantly teasing celebs on Watch What Happens Live!, Andy Cohen says he never likes hurting anyone’s feelings!

But after making what he thought was a harmless joke about Tori Spelling, he ended up accidentally offending her more — because he misread an email!

The Bravo host told the story on Wednesday’s Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, which began after he made a joke about the 90210 alum suffering third-degree burns in April while eating at a Benihana.

Video: Joe Jonas Performs With His New Band DNCE On Fallon

Cohen revealed that Spelling shortly afterwards sent him an email saying how she felt the joke was uncalled for.

When Cohen sent an apology email back, he accidentally offended her AGAIN in his response when he told her to “EAT SOMETHING” — all because he misread her original email!

Check out the clip (below) to find out what caused the accidental insult!

[Image via NBC.]

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Joe Jonas Performs With His New Band DNCE On Jimmy Fallon — Watch Them Have Cake By The Ocean HERE!

Want some cake?

Nick Jonas may be killing it on Scream Queens and getting ready for his new album but he’s not the only Jonas Brother with hot songs!

Joe Jonas‘ new band DNCE recently released their debut single, Cake By The Ocean, as well as a new music video!

Video: Watch Nick Jonas Heat Things Up In New Video For His Hit — Levels!

Well, you gotta promote your work which is exactly why the band stopped by The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon Tuesday night and performed their new single!

Ch-ch-check out the performance last night (below) and let us know what you think of the new track!

[Image via NBC.]

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Watch Taraji P. Henson & Terrence Howard Help Jimmy Fallon Spoof Empire In HIGHlarious Jimpire Sketch On The Tonight Show!

You struck gold again Jimmy!

Last night on The Tonight Show, Jimmy Fallon proved to be a genius with yet another tv show spoof!

In the past he’s done such sketches such as Joking Bad parodying Breaking Bad, as well as Game of Desks, the late night show’s version of Game Of Thrones!

Video: Watch Jimmy Fallon & Ryan Reynolds Get Out Of Hand Playing Blackjack!

Well last night he had the AH-Mazing idea to poke a little fun at the breakout hit Empire!

In the sketch, Jimmy’s looking for someone to continue his comedy legacy after he’s gone and it’s up to Questlove, Tariq and his show producer Andre to prove themselves worthy! But things get turned upside down when Fallon’s trusty sidekick Higgins shows up!

But it doesn’t stop there as a couple surprise guests, Terrence Howard and the REAL Cookie, Taraji P. Henson stop by to give their two cents! They’re not the only cameos as there’s a “UUUGE” surprise at the end!

Ch-ch-check out the next best thing (above) to the REAL Empire while you wait for its premiere tonight on Fox!

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Watch Jimmy Fallon Struggle To Hold In His Laughter Singing A Duet With Lionel Richie"s Head!

Hello… is it Jimmy Fallon you’re looking for?

The Tonight Show got weird on Friday when Lionel Richie‘s head stopped by to sing one of his classics in a HIGHlarious duet with Fallon!

Related: Justin Bieber Bailed On Tonight Show Sketch Last Minute!

The legendary singer and late night host performed a chilling rendition to Richie’s ‘80s classic Hello, paying homage to the song’s super dated (and sort of creepy) music video!

The two can barely keep it together throughout the silly sketch, which makes the performance even better! Check out the weirdness (below)!

[Image via NBC.]

Friday, September 18, 2015

Justin Bieber Bailed On Tonight Show Sketch Last Minute & Jimmy Fallon Had To Apologize To His Crew For Him!

Oh what could have been!

A few weeks ago, Justin Bieber had a pretty EPIC and memorable appearance on The Tonight Show.

Not only did he sit down and explain to Jimmy Fallon why he broke down at the VMAs, but he also had a drum-off with the The Roots and gave us a little free-style.

Apparently though, the show could have been even better if JB would have gone through with the original plan.

Related: Selena Gomez Says She’ll ‘Forever Support’ & ‘Love’ Justin Bieber In Revealing Elle Interview!

Fallon revealed that the What Do You Mean singer actually backed out of a sketch they had planned at the very last minute! But the funnyman host rolled with the punches and didn’t let it get him down! He said of Bieber backing out:

“It’s like, I don’t care. I mean, I wish they’d told me weeks ago because today’s the day, and now we have to crunch and think of an idea to do.”

He went on to say:

“And I have to apologize to the crew guys who built the set and the wardrobe people and everyone.”

Fallon kept it very professional though and understood that these things just happen sometimes! He said of Bieber’s commitment:

“… it’s not what he does. He’s here to sing, so as long as he’s comfortable and it sounds good then we did our job. And if I talk to him and make him funny and make him look good, that’s my job. That’s all I have to do.”

It’s a super bummer that Biebs backed out, ESPECIALLY at the last minute. He definitely could have given Fallon a heads up, but we understand getting cold feet too!

Let’s hope Justin makes it up to Jimmy next time!

What do you think? Was Bieber too disrespectful to Jimmy and his crew or do you agree it’s all just part of show business.

[Image via NBC.]

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Watch Ariana Grande SLAY Her Celine Dion Impression AGAIN For Jimmy Fallon — But Can She Pull Off Britney Spears & Christina Aguilera Too?!

The world wanted Ariana Grande to do her Celine Dion impression One Last Time — and boy did she oblige!

On Tuesday, the starlet appeared on Jimmy Fallon‘s The Tonight Show and put her musical chops on display for a quick game of “Wheel of Musical Impressions.”

However, not only did she redux her KILLER take on the iconic diva but she also brought some spot-on imitations of Britney Spears AND Christina Aguilera.


Video: Watch Jimmy Fallon Impersonate Donald Trump

Someone get this girl a hosting gig on Saturday Night Live! We can’t be the only ones thinking this.

The late night host seemed as floored as we were with the pint-sized star’s abilities since he gushed on camera:

“We should just stop the show there!”

LOLz! Though Jimmy’s no amateur when it comes to HIGHlarious depictions of famous celebs. **cough** Donald Trump.

Be sure to ch-ch-check out the fun filled bit in its entirety (above)!

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Justin Timberlake & Jimmy Fallon Put Their Bromance On Display & Get Lost In Each Other"s Eyes — Oh, Will Ferrell"s There Too! Watch!

We could stare into those eyes forever!

Jimmy Fallon had one of his greatest shows EVER last week when he had Justin Timberlake stop by to give us the History of Rap 6 as well as judge a lip sync battle between Jimmy and Ellen DeGeneres!

Well it looks like he wasn’t done with JT yet!

[ Related: Justin Timberlake Gushes About Fatherhood & Shares NEW Photos Of Baby Silas! ]

Last night, the TV host and his musical bestie were in a short but HIGHlarious skit (above) where they did nothing but communicate with each other through looks and eye movements — with Peter Gabriel‘s In Your Eyes playing of course.

You’ll definitely want to check it out, but try not to get lost in their eyes and make sure you stay until the end to find out what Will Ferrell is doing there!!

Monday, September 14, 2015

Donald Trump Interviews "Himself" on Jimmy Fallon: WATCH!

Not surprisingly, late night hosts have been having a field day with Donald Trump"s presidential campaign.

Most of the time, the Donald is the butt of jokes (see: Stephen Colbert"s awesome Oreo-fueled rant), but sometimes he"s in on the gag.

Trump made an appearance on Jimmy Fallon"s Tonight Show recently, and he let the host demonstrate his impressive impersonation skills by serving as Trump"s man in the mirror.

Say what you will about Trump, the man occasionally shows an ability to laugh himself. We guess that"s a necessity when you"re going through life with that head of hair.

Donald trump interviews himself on jimmy fallon watch

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Watch Jimmy Fallon Impersonate Donald Trump — Right To The Donald"s Face!

Ok, now this is a good late-night skit!

Donald Trump was on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon on Friday night, and say what you will about The Donald, at least he was a good sport for this one!

[ Related: Donald Trump Buys Out NBC For Miss Universe! ]

Fallon opened up their interview by dressing as The Donald (complete with the coiffed hair and all!), and sat right in front of the presidential candidate, interviewing him by impersonating his voice, mannerisms, and ideas.


Ch-ch-check out the AH-mazing impersonation (below)!!!

Then, Trump sat down for a real interview with Jimmy, which you can see (below) here:

And here:

[Image via YouTube.]

Donald Trump to Jimmy Fallon -- Here"s Why I Never Apologize ... (VIDEO)


Donald Trump did it again … delivering the line of the day Friday on Jimmy Fallon‘s show.

Jimmy threw a clever question at the leader of the pack … has Donald ever apologized for ANYTHING … even when he was “little Donny Trump.”

His answer … classic D.T.