Showing posts with label King. Show all posts
Showing posts with label King. Show all posts

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Tyga and 5-Year-Old Son King Cairo Sued by Simon Cowell"s Ex-Fiancee

Tyga is nothing if not predictable, because he’s being sued again where he lives … and he also got his poor little son sued in the process.  Mezhgan Hussainy, Simon’s makeup artist who he was once set on marrying, has a super cool house in…


Larry King Says the Second Amendment Was Created to Fight Off Slave Uprisings

Larry King has an interesting tidbit for why the Second Amendment should be repealed — and it’s got to do with what he says is the real reason it was created … to fight off slaves. We got the ex-talk show host Wednesday at E. Baldi in Bev Hills,…


Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Burger King: Sorry About that Sign About Overdosing!

The idea of a Burger King establishment enacting a policy that bans customers from returning once they’ve had an overdose on the grounds sounds like the premise of a particularly cruel The Onion article.

Unfortunately, it’s real.

The Burger King in question even posted a sign, which you can see below.

Let’s be clear from the beginning:

This one overdose per customer limit is not a rule passed down from Burger King corporate to different managers.

But one particular Burger King in Worcester, Massachusetts decided that they needed to do something about the prevalence of drug use in their establishment.

According to WBZ, “It’s common knowledge, people do use those restrooms to do that sort of thing. There have been overdoses in there.”

And this is the sign that attracted the attention of police and, of course, of the internet.

“You are ONLY allowed ONE overdose and then you are banned from this establishment.”

Burger King Overdose Rule

Obviously, a number of critics — regardless of their opinions on the opioid epidemic that our nation faces — were shocked that a manager would even hang this in the first place.

The internet exists. Signs don’t stay secret.

On a surface level, the policy itself seems fair. If someone gets caught overdosing in a fast food place … it’s a business. You don’t need people nearly dying from drugs and frightening away customers who are there to eat food.

If this were a shelter, someone might have a point in saying that the policy isn’t compassionate. But Burger Kings are not shelters. They’re restaurants. Let people eat their delicious onion rings in peace.

At the same time, the way in which the sign was written — the phrasing — made it sound almost permissive.

As if Burger King is fine with drug use within the establishment up until you overdose. Then and only then do they draw the line.

Obviously, that does not reflect Burger King policy.

Now, let’s be clear — this sign wasn’t put up for no reason.

Between September of 2016 and September of 2017, this particular Burger King was the site of nine different overdoses. And, quite frankly, those are just the ones that got reported.

The problem is very real.

But the sign is not, um, the answer.

Police met with the manager in order to discuss, you know, better solutions.

Even people who are 100% in support of ending the prohibition of drugs and drug use, both because it’s the right thing to do and in an effort to end the current opioid epidemic, don’t think that people need to be shooting up or whatever inside of a Burger King.

And groups who work to support and advocate for those who are battling addiction agree, saying that signs like this one “don’t help.”

A Burger King spokesperson, whom we would like to imagine as a town crier reading out a royal edict, said:

“The actions of this Team Member were an isolated incident and do not reflect the Burger King brand values or the values of the Franchisee, who independently owns and operates this restaurant.”

Like many fast food chains, Burger King operates with a sort of … Burger Feudal system.

At the top is Burger King itself, the corporate entity. Beyond that are franchisees, whom we might consider to be “Burger Barons.” Then there are store managers, who are like vassals — or Burger Knights.

“The Franchisee is investigating this incident thoroughly and will take the actions they believe are appropriate.”

In other words, a manager is going to have some explaining to do to a rich person who probably owns a number of these places.

As a general rule, big companies do not like having to explain why one manager said or did something dumb.

Burger King itself doesn’t really deserve this bad press.

In fact, that they’ve kept a restaurant in such a troubled area to continue to serve the locals is commendable.

Different people will hold different opinions on how people struggling with addiction should be treated. Some want them thrown in prison, others want them sent for treatment. Others still believe that it’s their right to take these substances — even if it kills them.

But absolutely none of those people think that people have any business overdosing in a Burger King.


Friday, March 9, 2018

Meghan King Edmonds Channels Pregnant Beyonce, Leaves Internet Aghast

According to the Internet, Meghan King Edmonds just made a royal mistake.

The former Real Housewives of Orange County cast member, who announced her second pregnancy in late November, has posed for a new photo on Instagram.

It’s a way for her to act all excited about the pair of babies in her belly, but it’s not exactly being met with enthusiasm by …

… well, anyone who has looked at it.

And this is because Edmonds has the audacity in this snapshot to straight up copy the one and only Beyonce Knowles.

Not just in some vague or broad fashion, either.

But by deliberately and blatantly channeling the iconic singer and the legendary way in which she announced she was pregnant with twins back in February of 2017.

We’re guessing you remember that image, right?

Just in case you somehow forgot…

Shortly after the time of this photo’s publication, it became the most-Liked picture in the history of Instagram.

(Tragically, it has since been surpassed by Kylie Jenner’s first-ever baby photo. But that isn’t the point at the moment.)

So, what did Edmonds just dare to do?

Copy Beyonce exactly!

“If I can’t be Queen Bey I’ll settle for King Edmonds,” wrote the ex-reality star as a caption to the photograph below.

She also added the hashtags: #twinscomingsoon #imitationisflattery #thisIsNotMyMaternityShoot.

As you might expect, the Internet wasn’t exactly psyched about this recreation.

Yes, of course the former Bravo star can pose in any way she wants…but come on now,  Meghan!

Be your own person! Don’t just copy the most popular celebrity on the planet.

As you can see below, one person referred to this photo as “offensive,” but others rushed to the star’s defense.

Where do you stand on this very contentious issue?


In January, Edmonds resigned her position as a Real Houswife, writing on her official blog:

“Today is a bittersweet day for me.  After three seasons of the rollercoaster that is The Real Housewives of Orange County I’ve decided to hang up my OC Housewife hat…

“I must focus on my family and my pregnancy.   

“I will miss the rush of the first all-cast event of the season, the anticipation of receiving each week’s episode, the thrill of wrapping the reunion.”

Will you miss Edmonds on the series?

Sound off below, and then be taken back Beyonce’s memorable photo shoots right here and now: 


Saturday, March 3, 2018

Martin Luther King Jr."s Hearse Owner Wants $2.5 Million for It

The hearse used to carry Martin Luther King Jr.’s body following his assassination is up for sale … for the price of beachfront property. After MLK Jr. was pronounced dead at St. Joseph’s Hospital in Memphis on April 4, 1968, he was transported to…


Sunday, February 25, 2018

Larry King Says "The NRA is a Menace to America"

Larry King makes no bones about it … the NRA is subverting the United States. We got the talk show titan Saturday night in WeHo leaving Madeo, and he’s fed up like many others that the NRA has essentially purchased Congress with campaign…


Friday, February 16, 2018

Lonzo Ball "Could Be Next Rap King," Gets Collab Offer From Mixtape Legend DJ Drama

The man behind some of the most iconic mixtapes in rap history says Lonzo Ball could be the next “rap king” … and tells TMZ Sports he wants to work with the Lakers star. DJ Drama — whose uber-popular Gangsta Grillz projects have featured rappers…


Monday, February 5, 2018

Dodge Exploits Martin Luther King to Sell Trucks, Twitter Erupts

Martin Luther King Jr. had a dream a very long time ago.

And we can assure readers of the following:

His dream was most definitely not to have his legendary words used in an ad for Dodge Ram trucks.

But that"s exactly what the car company did at Super Bowl 52, excerpting portions of the activity"s 1968 speech "The Drum Major Instinct."

The 30-second ad cost Dodge $ 5 million… and a great deal of negative PR.

It turned into a tribute to patriotism, complete with photos of U.S. Marines and a camouflage-clad soldier hugging his child. 

This was a pitch for Dodge Ram trucks" "Built To Serve" volunteer program, but the commercial instead provoked anger from many viewers and a rebuke from the King Center itself, which says its mission is to carry on his teachings and to "empower change-makers who are continuing his efforts today."

The mission does NOT include the use of King to sell a bunch of vehicles.

Tweeted The King Center during the game, as opinions were being voiced all around social media:

Neither @TheKingCenter nor @BerniceKing is the entity that approves the use of #MLK"s words or imagery for use in merchandise, entertainment (movies, music, artwork, etc) or advertisement, including tonight"s @Dodge #SuperBowl commercial.

Later, after writer Michael Arceneaux wrote on Twitter, "So that means the King children allowed Dr. King"s voice to be used to sell me a Dodge truck," Bernice King replied very simply:


Added Tim Calkins, a marketing professor at Northwestern University:

"The use of MLK to promote Ram trucks strikes many people as crass and inappropriate."

And Kelly O"Keefe, a professor at Virginia Commonwealth University"s Brandcenter:

"They pushed it over the edge. You wanted to root for it because the cause is good, but it just didn"t end up fitting the brand, so you ended up feeling a little bit manipulated."

Do you agree?

Or is this much ado over very little?

Watch the controversial Super Bowl commercial below and decide for yourself:

Dodge exploits martin luther king to sell trucks twitter erupts

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Transgender Army Sgt. Patricia King Wants Unity at State of the Union Address

Transgender Army Staff Sergeant Patricia King has a seat for the State of the Union Address, and says she’s going with an open mind, despite President Trump’s attempted transgender ban in the military.  Sgt. King’s been serving for 20 years,…


Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Meghan King Edmonds: I"m Leaving The Real Housewives of Orange County!

So, remember how Meghan King Edmonds was initially on a list of women rumored to be fired from The Real Housewives of Orange County? But then we all learned that Meghan King Edmonds was pregnant again so it looked like she was safe?

It turns out that the speculation may have been for naught, because she’s announced that she’s quitting.

But one report claims that her lengthy farewell post is just a cover — that she ended up getting fired. Hmmm. …

Writing on her blog, Meghan King Edmonds announced that she’s leaving The Real Housewives of Orange County.

“Today is a bittersweet day for me.  After three seasons of the rollercoaster that is The Real Housewives of Orange County I’ve decided to hang up my OC Housewife hat.”

We like to imagine that such a hat would resemble a giant orange.

“I arrived at this multi-faceted decision after much thought, and then I thought some more.”


“As you might suspect filming this show takes a massive emotional toll: I’m literally filming my real life in real time and engaged in situations and circumstances which can be contentious.”

Oh, of that we have no doubt. The filming hours alone must be brutal, not to mention juggling your other responsibilities. And then the episodes air.

“Then, when the show airs, we relive some of the most trying moments in our lives and then endure the public’s reaction; we never come out as winners to every viewer.”

“But what you might not suspect is the physical toll: filming is grueling!”

Especially, we imagine, if you’re a parent. Or pregnant.

“After my first season I knew what to expect for round two, but even still, filming during IVF and then the beginning of pregnancy during my second season was difficult. I was hormonal and tired all the time.”

IVF presents its own challenges, folks.

“But my third season takes the cake: I had a newborn and had to hire a full time live-in nanny (my cousin) so as to allow me the flexibility to meet my obligations of continuous days and long hours of filming, traveling, etc.”

Even with a nanny, parenting was still a full-time job.

“When I was home I was a full time hands-on mom (you didn’t get to see this) doing all the regular mom stuff including waking up at all hours to breast feed my baby – all while my husband worked his crazy baseball schedule around the US while I was learning how to be a first time mom.”

“Again, I was hormonal and EXHAUSTED.  My mind was often foggy as I filmed but I put on a great face and did it because I loved being a Housewife and was so grateful for my opportunity.”

It’s a big opportunity that comes with an even bigger paycheck.

“It was only after the season was filmed that I felt I was finally out of the newborn fog and I could look back on the past few months of season 12 with clarity.  I had no idea how exhausted I actually was until I wasn’t exhausted anymore!  Season 12 was a real challenge for me.”

It sure sounds like it.

She then talks about happy, behind-the-scenes filming memories, showing that she bares no ill will towards the production staff.

“And lastly but not least importantly, I wanted to spend more time with my husband during baseball season and more time with my two young step kids who live full-time in St Louis.”

Oh, those are some good priorities.

“So Jimmy and I have decided to dig our roots into the midwest as we begin to build our dream home for our rapidly expanding family.”

Well, voluntarily living in the midwest sure is a choice.

“I must focus on my family and my pregnancy.   I will miss the rush of the first all-cast event of the season, the anticipation of receiving each week’s episode, the thrill of wrapping the reunion.”

She says that she forged some powerful bonds during her time as a Real Housewife.

“I have made soul sisters in Shannon Beador and Tamra Judge and that can’t be lost.”

Well … Shannon Beador, at least, seems like a good friend.

“They have touched my heart and I would do anything for them and I know they feel the same way about me – what a gift to have found that on RHOC!”

She ends her post with a joke.

“But I guess it’s time for me to become an actual real housewife of sorts.  Oh, the irony!”

That’s all well and good, but there’s this other claim that Meghan King Edmonds is just putting on a good face after getting fired from RHOC.

In fact, RadarOnline reports that their source claims that what got Meghan fired was, at least in part, her attempt to leverage her pregnancy (with twins!) for more money.

“She did the same thing with her first pregnancy and it worked. But producers weren’t biting this time around. They felt that she didn’t bring anything to the table and everyone was sick of her manufactured fake drama!”

Their insider clearly doesn’t think much of her, because this is how they responded to her long, bittersweet announcement:

“The truth is that Meghan wouldn’t have written all that on her blog if she did in fact quit the show. She would have just quit!”


“Instead, she is trying to pretend that she doesn’t care and putting the blame on others when she knows that it is her own fault.”

Whatever the truth is, we wish Meghan King Edmonds and her family the best!


Monday, January 15, 2018

Martin Luther King III: My Dad Would be Incensed by Trump"s "Shithole" Comment

Martin Luther King Jr.’s son says his father would be “incensed” by President Trump’s “shithole” comment … but MLK III still sees a silver lining. We got the civil rights leader’s oldest son Monday at the Martin Luther King Jr. memorial in…


Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Gayle King Says Oprah"s Not Convinced Yet on Presidential Run

Gayle King is doubling down … trying to clarify Stedman Graham’s comment about Oprah running for President, and throwing in her own 2 cents too. We got Gayle leaving CBS Tuesday in NYC, after she went on the air and offered a…


Gayle King Says Oprah"s Not Convinced Yet on Presidential Run

Gayle King is doubling down … trying to clarify Stedman Graham’s comment about Oprah running for President, and throwing in her own 2 cents too. We got Gayle leaving CBS Tuesday in NYC, after she went on the air and offered a…


Gayle King Nervously Spins Oprah for President Movement

Gayle King was a loyal Oprah solider Tuesday morning, trying to spin Stedman Graham’s comment about a 2020 Oprah run for President … and she did so with limited success. Gayle begins by saying Stedman misunderstood the question posed by the L.A.…


Monday, January 8, 2018

Barstool Founder Dave Portnoy on ESPN Report: "Everyone"s Trying to Take Down the King"

The bombshell ESPN report detailing a rift between the top guys in the Patriots organization is a “non-story” designed to distract the team from another title … so says Barstool Sports founder Dave Portnoy.  “Everyone’s always trying to take…


Sunday, January 7, 2018

MLK Jr."s Son Dexter King Forgives Newsweek For Casket Photo

Martin Luther King Jr.’s son is giving Newsweek a pass for publishing the insensitive photo of his father in his casket next to an op-ed piece earlier this week. We got Dexter King at LAX Thursday and he didn’t seem as upset as the Twittersphere…


Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Meghan King Edmonds Covers Latina Magazine, Hears It From Critics

Meghan King Edmonds stars on The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.

And we say this with no disrespect nor any judgment of any kind, really, but…

… it may very well be the whitest show on television.

Each week, this Bravo series just pits one spoiled rich white woman against each other, as one First World Problem after another is discussed and dissected in nauseating detail.

Doesn’t mean the program isn’t entertaining.

It’s just… very white.

This likely explains the outcry by some on the Internet in response to Edmonds being featured on the latest cover of Latina Magazine.

The reality star, who is pregnant with her second child, at least seems to recognize that she isn’t the typical main subject of this particular publication.

First, she shared the following image on Instagram:

Then, she included the following caption along with it.

“I’m so proud and honored to be on the cover of @latinamagazine1 and represent @glamarella_jewelry!” wrote the cable network personality, adding:

“I loved doing this shoot right after I found out I was pregnant! No, I’m not Latina but I was asked to be on the cover and talk about my life and #RHOC in the cover story so I guess I’m blessed to be an honorary Latina this month!

“(By the way, big shout out to my husband for my engagement ring that got a front and center shot!)”

Ah yes, an “honorary Latina.”

It’s safe to say this cover shoot and this phrase didn’t sit well with readers of the magazine.

“Dressed up the nice white lady to look like a Latina for Latina magazine because?” wrote one dissatisfied Internet user.

“This is the same as black facing only for Latinas now! What a fail.”

Not exactly, of course. It would maybe the same if Edmonds’ skin was darkened or she was wearing a sombrero or something.

But general point still taken.

Other critics laid into Latina for putting “white privilege” on display, while another person chimed in with:

“This is beyond disappointing and such a slap in the face to the ENTIRE community. Shame on you!”

This magazine does consistently feature prominent Latinas such as Demi Lovato, Jennifer Lopez, Paulina Rubio, Jessica Alba, Shakira, Eva Longoria, Salma Hayek, Eva Mendes, Christina Aguilera, Naya Rivera, America Ferrera and even Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor.

The November 2015 issue featured girl group Fifth Harmony, whose three out of five members are Latinas, marking the first time two non-Latinas were featured on the cover of the magazine.

So this was a trend that started a couple years ago.

What do you think of this supposed scandal?

Do the haters have a point?

Or should everyone be okay with Latina diversifying its cover subjects a bit?

Edmonds and her co-stars – including Vicki Gunvalson, Kelly Dodd, Tamra Judge, Shannon Beador, Lydia McLaughlin, and Peggy Sulahian – will return for Season 13 some time next year.

Will you be tuning in?


Blac Chyna"s Kids Dream and King Pose For Christmas Card

Blac Chyna’s Christmas card screams both naughty and nice … nice because her two kids — 5-year-old King and 1-year-old Dream — are so damn cute, and naughty because of the “Dear Santa let me explain …” caption. Blac Chyna’s noticeably absent…


Friday, December 15, 2017

Vicki Gunvalson and Meghan King Edmonds: FEUDING Between Season!

In a shocking twist, Vicki Gunvalson recently mended fences with both Tamra Judge and Shannon Beador. But … that doesn’t mean that she’s just going to be nice to everyone.

Recently, Vicki made some less-than-flattering comments about her RHOC costar, Meghan King Edmonds, who is pregnant and also returning next season.

And Meghan King Edmonds isn’t taking that lying down.

Previously, Vicki Gunvalson told Us Weekly that Meghan King Edmonds simply doesn’t belong on The Real Housewives of Orange County.

“No desire, truly no desire to see her. She lives in St. Louis, I don’t even know what she was doing on our show anyway.”

Wow. That’s not subtle at all.

“She lives in St. Louis, she’s pregnant, she has her husband, they’re going to have six kids, she’s not friends with anybody.”

That’s so mean! Like, the St. Louis thing is one thing, and we don’t know why her husband is a factor, but saying that she has no friends is just unkind.

“I don’t know what the correlation with her is.”

That’s … some interesting word choice. Maybe she means that she doesn’t see Meghan King Edmonds’ appeal, or what makes her a fit for the show?

“She’s socially friends with people, but we don’t all hang out together.”

Just because not everyone hangs out doesn’t mean that Meghan doesn’t hang out with some costars.

“I think it’s time for her to turn the chapter to something else and maybe not be our show, we’ll see.”

That’s … not nice.

Vicki sure had a lot to say about Meghan King Edmonds, who responded by telling Us Weekly exactly why Vicki Gunvalson is wrong … and maybe a little pathetic.

“She’s so desperate.”

Sounds like Meghan King Edmonds isn’t holding back, either.

“She says she doesn’t care about me, yet she’s one of my top engagers on Instagram.”

Oh dang, she came with receipts! 

“I don’t even follow her.”

Vicious. We’re living for this.

“And she’s talking about me. It’s laughable.”

Also, showing that you can come back for somebody just as hard they came for you is a great way to show that you absolutely belong on The Real Housewives of Orange County.

“Additionally, I’m really close with Tamra [Judge] and Shannon [Beador], so goes to show how little she knows them.”

So, yes, Meghan has friends, Vicki.

In late November, rumor had it that Bravo was looking to fire three Real Housewives of Orange County stars.

It wasn’t surprising for anyone to see Peggy Sulahian’s name on that list of … what’s the opposite of hopefuls? Nopefuls?

Peggy is a huge bigot and got slammed by a number of other Housewives, past and present. This a woman who allegedly tried to ban her own gay brother from their father’s funeral.

But what really sealed her fate was that she wasn’t interesting. Her “dumb foreigner” act didn’t fool anyone, and she was transparently getting into fights with costars because cameras were rolling. The report that she was then fired was not a surprise.

When we heard that Lydia McLaughlin was fired, it wasn’t a huge shock — she played her part this season, but she didn’t grab anyone’s attention.

Meghan King Edmonds had been on the list of Housewives expected to get the axe, but she’s reportedly staying on the show next season.


Because Meghan King Edmonds is pregnant with her second child. Pregnancy drama will hook some folks.

The knowledge that Meghan almost didn’t make it back on the show was probably part of where Vicki was coming from with her dismissal of Meghan.

Of course, Meghan King Edmonds is widely regarded to be the prettiest of the Real Housewives of Orange County, which could potentially also be a factor.

Jealousy is real. And Meghan is only 33 — which means that she was barely in her 20s when the series, on which Vicki has been a member since day one, launched.

So there could be a lot of resentment there. But we don’t know for sure if that’s a factor in Vicki’s mind.

Either way, next season sure is going to be interesting, since these two are already exchanging heated words.


Monday, December 4, 2017

Larry King Says Kaepernick Will Lose Person of the Year Award to Putin or Mueller

Bookies think Colin Kaepernick’s got pretty good odds of taking home TIME magazine’s “Person of the Year” award for 2017 — but Larry King really doesn’t like Kaep’s chances.  We got Larry leaving Craig’s in L.A. … and he seemed legit…
