Showing posts with label Talking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Talking. Show all posts

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Linkin Park Releases "Talking To Myself" Music Video Morning of Chester Bennington"s Suicide

Linkin Park released a new music video on the same day frontman Chester Bennington committed suicide. The American rock band released its “Talking To Myself” video at 9:01 AM … minutes after Chester’s body was discovered Thursday at a private…


Friday, July 7, 2017

Mackenzie McKee: I"m Done Talking About Briana DeJesus!

With all of the drama that spills forth from Teen Mom OG and Teen Mom 2, it’s easy to forget about the girls from Teen Mom 3.

But as we’ve been learning recently, forgetting about TM3 would be a big, big mistake.

Sure, Teen Mom 3 only lasted one season, and for the most part the four girls on the show have faded off of our trashy reality television radars.

And yes, between Teen Mom 2 and the OG ladies, we have eight moms ready and willing to fulfill our need for voyeuristic drama — moms we’ve been following for years.

But MTV got us all messed up by throwing Briana DeJesus into the cast of Teen Mom 2, so while this whole thing isn’t ideal, we’re just going to have to deal with it.

Teen Mom 3 is now officially back in the game, and if you’re doubting it, look no further than the feud between Briana and another girl from the show, Mackenzie McKee.

Briana and Mackenzie both got a taste of fame after that one lonely season of Teen Mom 3, and they both had their hopes and dreams dashed when it did so poorly.

And then earlier this year when MTV decided to put one of them back in the spotlight, they both dared to dream they could be the one to get that sweet, sweet paycheck.

Ultimately Briana was chosen to join Jenelle, Chelsea, Kailyn and Leah on their ongoing adventures … and it didn’t sit well with Mackenzie.

In an interview back in March, Mac revealed that “They interviews me and Bri two months ago, but chose her. I thought, ‘This can’t be true!’ I was confused.”

“I have worked very hard for where I am,” she continued. “I’m working on all this stuff and what has she done? She’s not working on anything.”

“It sucks the one who has been working harder didn’t get it.”

Mackenzie added that “I hope MTV didn’t choose her over me because I am married and have three kids with the same guy.”

“The different baby daddies is what people are interested in.”

Pretty shady, right?

Mackenzie continued throwing shade just last week, when she liked a tweet about fans forming a protest to get Briana off Teen Mom 2.

Briana shared a screenshot of the tweet and wrote “Lmao why?”, tagging Mackenzie.

Without replying directly to her, Mac wrote “I’ve never continued to follow someone just to hate. BLOCK.”

Her followers assumed she was talking about Briana, and she explained “I don’t hate anyone. I’ve always loved this person. But I can promise she hates me.”

But even though Mackenzie has tweeted repeatedly about Briana, and even though Briana, to our knowledge, has only made one comment about Mackenzie, Mac is trying to take the high road now.

“I refuse to speak about her anymore,” she said in a statement to OK! magazine.

“It’s more of a reason for her to blast lies about me. Best of luck to her.”

… Briana is blasting lies about Mackenzie? Since when?

It doesn’t really matter — Mac has already gone back on her word to keep quiet about the newest Teen Mom 2 star.

“Still wondering when and where I said a thing about having multiple baby daddies??” she tweeted yesterday, adding the hashtags “lies” and “I would never.”

She also wrote “Nothing but love from me to everyone on their journeys in life (Unless your harming people).”

Oh, sweet, simple Mackenzie …

Hush now, child.


Friday, June 30, 2017

Kendra Wilkinson Confronts Mother: Stop Talking About Me!

Doesn’t it seem like it would be completely exhausting to be Kendra Wilkinson?

To have all that dumb stuff floating around in your head constantly … it just seems like it would be rough.

On top of the unrelenting ignorance, Kendra has to deal with her marriage to Hank Baskett, which, to be fair, seems really solid at times.

Other times, he cheats on her with a transgender model and she flushes her wedding ring down the toilet.

And then, on top of that, she’s also got her truly terrible mother, Patti Wilkinson, constantly trying to ruin her life.

Kendra and Patti are no strangers to sharing their troubled relationship with the world: Patti appeared on Kendra’s season of Marriage Boot Camp with Hank Baskett.

You remember, that’s when Kendra theorized that the devil had eaten her mother’s soul.

We’ve seen Patti make an appearance here and there on Kendra’s own show, Kendra on Top, and they both appeared on the most recent season of Marriage Boot Camp, the Reality Stars Family Edition.

And now the brand new season of Kendra on Top seems to focus largely on their issues.

See what we mean about how exhausting it would be to be Kendra Wilkinson?

As we’ve seen from the trailers for Kendra on Top, the big problem right now is that Patti is considering writing a tell-all about her daughter.

It’s something that Kendra is really, really not cool with, which is totally fair.

But in tonight’s new episode, the ladies are sitting down for a therapy session to try and come to terms with some of their issues.

And, in typical Wilkinson fashion, it’s hard to watch.

During the session, the therapist sits Kendra and Patti down in a couple of chairs facing each other, which makes Patti “feel like I’m going to the electric chair.”

Great start, right?

After sitting down and grabbing each other’s hands, the therapist asks Kendra to complete the sentence “The thing that you did that hurt me the most was …”

Understandably, Kendra tells her mother that what hurt her the most was “going to social media with our issues.”

“I really didn’t see a way to come back from that because I didn’t know what would be used against me in the future,” she admits.

Later, in that customary reality show interview, Kendra tells the camera that “Being this upfront and honest with my mom is really, really uncomfortable and scary for me to do.”

“But I have to be honest. When my mom goes public and goes on social media, sells me out, it feels like a straight-up knife in the back. It hurts.”

Back in the therapy session, Patti is asked about her true motivation for writing a tell-all about Kendra … and Kendra looks really interested in her response.

“The reason that I really want to write this book,” she claims, “is I’ve gotten a lot of messages from people saying ‘Oh my gosh, I’m going through this with my daughter, how did you get through it?"”

And that, she says, is the only reason she’d write such a book.

Kendra says that she could be supportive of her mother writing a book with the intent to help others, but “at the end of the day, there’s just so many questions that would haunt me.”

Questions like “Why did I buy that lame excuse?” and “Why would I believe my mother has good intentions after all these years?”, probably.

Kendra tells Patti that she’s just scared that a book would set their relationship back after putting so much work into it, then, in an interview of her own, Patti says she’s already got a meeting with a publisher.

So much for being open and honest.

All this nonsense makes for good drama, but man, it sure is heartbreaking to see.


Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Kris Jenner is Still Talking About the Kim Kardashian Sex Tape

It has been 10 years since the Kim Kardashian sex tape his the market.

And ever since the star after whom this amateur adult film was named took it raw and nasty from Ray J on camera, her public profile has sky-rocketed, her bank account has grown exponentially and every member of her family has landed on the A-List.

All things considered, Kim Kardashian Superstar lived up to its title:

Kim Kardashian is now a superstar.

Would she have been elevated to this level of fortune and fame if she didn’t let Ray J pound her into orgasmic oblivion and then agree to let the footage be released to the public, in the same way her then-boyfriend’s sperm was released into her you-know-what?

We may never know.

But no case can logically be made that states the Kim Kardashian sex tape harmed its lead actress, that’s for certain.

Unless one listens to Kris Jenner, that is.

Appearing as a guest on THR’s Awards Chatter podcast on Monday, Jenner labeled the sex tape “one of the most horrific things that we as a family went through.”

As for charges that Jenner was actually behind the leak?

That it was her idea for Kim to make the video and use it to garner the same sort of fame that Paris Hilton attained via her notorious naked footage?

“It’s nonsense,” Jenner says. “You know, haters are gonna hate. People are gonna come up with the most ridiculous things.”

Come on now, Kris.

We’re not saying you definitely did this.

But it’s not beyond the realm of comprehension that you would have encouraged Kim to simply have sex with the man she was already dating, and then to film it, in order to catapult your family to its current level of celebrity.

It ain’t a ridiculous notion is all we’re saying.

Way back in the day, Kardashian reported dropped a lawsuit against Vivid Entertainment for distributing the tape, settling at the time for $ 5 million.

But the video continues to sell right up through today and both Kim and Ray J continue to see royalties from it.

Which explains why Ray J wants you go to buy it and jerk off to the material.

Elsewhere in this same podcast, Jenner addressed the trolls that so often harass her and her family.

“There’s definitely a lot of bullies out there,” she said, adding:

“The internet is a crazy place. There’s a lot of really miserable, unhappy, terrified, angry, bitter, nasty people out there that don’t have jobs or are hopeless or depressed and sad…

“… And they can be a big, fat, important bully by going online and typing a really ugly statement to someone else that they’ve never even met before, that has feelings and a heart.”

On this, we actually agree with Jenner.

Finally, Kris responded to the exact sort of critique we sort of leveled at her above: that she cares more about her kids’ business interests than their well-being.

Here is what she had to say on that topic:

“I’m trying to create a business here, and nobody has their best interest like I do.

“We all love working together and we love our situation. Why don’t you go worry about your own situation and go get a job yourself?”

Hey! Wait! What?!?

We have a job, thank you very much.

And at least our job doesn’t involve bringing up our daughter’s sex tape all the time.

It just involves making fun of you whenever you do so. So there!


Thursday, June 1, 2017

Jerry West On Clippers Rumors: "I Don"t Know What You"re Talking About" (VIDEO)

Jerry West insists he knows NOTHING about the Clippers reportedly trying to steal him away from the Golden State Warriors … but watch the video — and pay attention to that smirk! West is currently an executive board member for the Warriors…


Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Amber Portwood Meets with Vivid, Talking About Making Porn

Ex-“Teen Mom” Amber Portwood is ready for the next stage of her career — and it’s looking like it could be in porn, because she’s met with porn giant Vivid Entertainment. Sources connected to negotiations tell us Amber and her…


Friday, May 19, 2017

Johnny Depp: Drunk and Talking Trump on Ellen

Both personally and professionally, Johnny Depp seems to be in a bit of a slump.

And by “a bit of a slump,” we mean we’ve seen episodes of Intervention that are less depressing than this guy’s current press tour.

Depp may be promoting a Disney movie these days (Pirates of the Caribbean 5: Yes, Another One), but he’s sticking with the thick-tongued persona of the guy from your local dive bar who’s sipping a PBR when you stop in at 11 am because you left your bank card there the night before.

The recent tabloid headlines about Depp have been … not great.

A pair of lawsuits has revealed that Depp is broke (by Hollywood standards. He still has like 12 houses.) following decades of extravagant spending.

Execs at the management group that recently filed a counter-suit after Depp accused them of mishandling his funds claim that the actor spends $ 30,000 a month on wine and shells out millions to staff properties he never visits.

All of this comes on the heels of Depp’s ugly divorce from Amber Heard, during which the once-beloved screen icon was accused of being verbally and physically abusive to his ex.

Clearly, this is a man whose public image is in need of some serious rehab.

Unfortunately, like an alcoholic version of the stoner Towelie from South Park, Depp apparently decided to get just a little bit drunk before embarking on a mission to save his career:

That’s Depp appearing on Ellen yesterday, and his appearance has been described a number of different ways.

Some have kindly and euphemistically described the actor as seeming a bit “tired” or “out of it.”

We assume they’ve either forgotten that this is the dude who spends a middle-class annual salary on wine each month, or they’re just being polite.

Either way, we’re gonna go ahead and speculate that Johnny’s had a few.

Look, we’re not doctors. Nor are we the bartender who served Depp him before the show.

So we can’t assess his exact level of intoxication, but that is a man with a bellyful of a ’47 Bordeaux that costs more than your first car if we’ve ever seen one.

But hey, we’re not judging.

If Depp can get loaded and still dish out Trump zingers like he does in the clip above, we say go for it.

Of course, we’re not the dude’s accountant.

He probably feels differently.


Thursday, May 18, 2017

Chris Cornell Already Talking About Next Show During Detroit Encore (VIDEO)

Chris Cornell was fully anticipating Soundgarden’s next concert stop after Detroit … and shared his feelings with the crowd Wednesday night.  In the footage … Chris and the band were about to start an encore, and he gushed about how…


Joy-Anna Duggar: Talking Pregnancy Already?!

This weekend, Joy-Anna Duggar will marry Austin Forsyth in what’s sure to be the same sort of wildly over-the-top ceremony in which her older sisters tied the knot.

(Sources say the weddings of Jill, Jessa, and Jinger Duggar were attended by upwards of 1,500 guests.)

As is customary in the Duggar clan, Joy-Anna’s first kiss will take place in front of a massive crowd – and shortly thereafter she and her new husband will likely set about the business they for which they believe they were put on Earth:

From a young age, Duggar women are taught they were brought into the world solely to procreate, and it’s a duty they take seriously.

Generally, they’re knocked up within 5-6 months of tying the knot.

(We haven’t had a pregnancy announcement from Jinger Duggar yet, but insiders say the 23-year-old, who got hitched in November, is waiting to share the new on the new season of Counting On.)

Though Joy-Anna and Austin’s courtship was not a particularly long one, the young Arkansans have known one another for since childhood, and insiders say they’re both incredibly eager to start a family.

Yes, we’re talking eager by Duggar standards, which is really saying something.

There’s been talk of Joy-Anna and Austin violating “courtship rules” (Duggars are forbidden to engage in any physical contact beyond hand-holding prior to marriage.), and some have even claimed the wedding was moved up in order to avoid a shotgun situation.

We doubt that’s true, but there’s no doubt that Joy-Anna and Austin are chomping at the bit to start cranking out little ones.

The Duggar kids recently filmed video greeting cards for Mother’s Day, and Joy-Anna made it very clear she has every intention of following in Michelle’s fertile footsteps:

“I’m so thankful for you, mama. And even more recently, just helping with all the wedding planning and helping me just not get stressed out about all that,” Joy-Anna told the camera.

Beaming up at her husband to be, she added:

“I can’t wait to be a mother myself.”

We’re guessing we won’t have to wait long for that announcement.

Watch Counting On online to relive Joy-Anna and Austin’s road to the altar.


Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Aaron Hernandez Lawyers Talking to NFL Agents About Contract Situation (VIDEO)

Aaron Hernandez’s attorney, Jose Baez, says his legal team is in talks with the NFL player’s former agents to see how the abatement of his murder conviction will affect his contract with the Patriots.  There are theories that with the murder…


Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Jenelle Evans Claps Back at Kailyn Lowry: YOU"RE the One Talking Trash!

Last week, Jenelle Evans helped to spread a rumor that Kailyn Lowry is giving up her baby for adoption.

Jenelle never made the claim herself, but she posted an article with the misleading headline of “Kail Not Keeping Her Baby!”

For her part, Jenelle (or whoever runs Jenelle’s Facebook page) added the caption, “It’s so hard to say goodbye.”

It turns out the article was about Kailyn’s decision to sell her BMW (her “baby”), but the damage had been done, and to many, Jenelle’s intent was clear.

Many – including Kailyn – believed that Jenelle knew exactly what she was doing when she posted that headline for her millions of social media followers.

“Whoever decided to twist my words and say I’m not keeping my baby is a f-cked up individual,” Kailyn tweeted the same day that Jenelle deleted the post from her Facebook page.

“I’d really love if things I’m quoted saying in interviews aren’t copied and pasted into click-[bait] articles for bullsh– publications. But then again, it’s on the internet it MUST be true.”

Though Jenelle eventually removed the article from her page, many saw the post as the latest shot in the ongoing Jenelle vs. Kailyn feud.

Last night, Jenelle spoke out on the issue for the first time, informing fans that she had no intention of throwing shade at her pregnant co-star:

“Just to throw this out there,” Jenelle tweeted. “I don’t write any articles on my pages that are shared or posted about the other Teen Mom ladies. #JustSayin”

The crazy part is, Jenelle might be telling the truth.

After all, she gets paid a lot of money for posting click-bait links on her social media page, and in all likelihood, she doesn’t give much thought to the content as long as the checks clear.

Of course, that doesn’t completely absolve Jenelle of blame.

Even if someone else operates her Facebook page (which seems to be the case) she’s still responsible for the content that gets posted under her name.

So she may not have had any idea that she was helping to spread the manure of fake news, but wittingly or otherwise, she played a role in helping a nonsense rumor go viral.

And it certainly doesn’t seem to have done any favors for her relationship with Kailyn.


Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Hilary Duff Busts Out the Talking Points for Becky G"s Gay Character in "Power Rangers" (VIDEO)

Hilary Duff thinks it’s great there’s a gay character in the new “Power Rangers” movie … but when asked to elaborate on its meaning, she resorted to talking points. We got Hilary on Melrose Ave. Tuesday, and she seemed genuinely surprised…


Saturday, March 18, 2017

Lena Dunham: Please Stop Talking About My Weight Loss!

So Lena Dunham has lost a lot of weight recently, right? A considerable amount of weight, really.

But the thing is, she doesn’t want any of us to talk about it.

“But why?” you might be thinking. “She keeps talking about it herself, what does she expect?”

And those are good questions — Lena started losing weight a few months ago, and she’s been open about the reason behind it.

In a February interview with Howard Stern, she explained that “Donald Trump became president and I stopped being able to eat food.”

“Everyone’s been asking like, ‘What have you been doing?"” she went on. “And I’m like, ‘Try soul-crushing pain and devastation and hopelessness and you, too, will lose weight."”

In January, she called a Glamour cover in which some cellulite was visible on her legs a “triumph for womankind,” so she’s clearly comfortable with talking about any and all aspects of her body and her weight.

But in a great big long Instagram post she shared yesterday, she insists that she’s not cool with people talking about her weight.

We know that because the photo she shared was a screenshot from an article titled “People Need to Stop Talking About Lena Dunham’s Weight.”

In her caption, she writes “I feel I’ve made it pretty clear over the years that I don’t give even the tiniest of sh-ts what anyone else feels about my body.”

“I’ve gone on red carpets in couture as a size 14. I’ve done sex scenes days after surgery, mottled with scars.”

“I’ve accepted that my body is an every-changing organism,” she writes, “not a fixed entity — what goes up must come down and vice versa.”

“I smile just as wide no matter my current size because I’m proud of what this body has seen and done and represented. Chronic illness sufferer. Body-shaming vigilante. Sexual assault survivor. Raging hottie. Just like all of YOU.”

And this is where it gets weird — she says that “Right now I’m struggling to control my endometriosis through a healthy diet and exercise.”

What about Trump though, girl? Why the change in the story?

Regardless, Lena continues by saying that her weight loss “isn’t a triumph and it also isn’t some sign I’ve finally given in to the voices of trolls.”

“Because my body belongs to ME — at every phase, in every iteration, and whatever I’m doing with it, I’m not handing in my feminist card to anyone.”

“I refuse to celebrate these bullsh-t before-and-after-pictures,” she concludes. “Don’t we have infinitely more pressing news to attend to?”

… K.

It’s just strange because … like, of course her body belongs to her. And as someone who thoroughly enjoys posing nude or nearly nude at every opportunity, she should realize that people are going to notice big changes.

Pointing out her weight loss isn’t somehow an anti-feminist move, and it’s not like people are saying “Thank goodness she finally lost some weight, she’s finally a real person now!”

Everyone loves a good weight loss before-and-after. It’s human nature. It doesn’t have to mean something terrible, and it doesn’t require an essay.

So take that body that belongs to you, Lena, and just chill for a little bit.


Friday, March 17, 2017

Paris Jackson: I"m SICK of Talking About My Dad!

Like Paris Hilton and Paris, France before her, Paris Jackson is famous for reasons that have nothing to do with her personality.

Paris is the daughter of Michael Jackson, so she pretty much had fame thrust upon her from the day she was born.

In fairness, she’s beginning to make a name for herself as a model, but being born into one of music’s royal families certainly didn’t hurt with regard to getting her foot in the door.

Paris covers the new issue of Bazaar, and in an interview with Candace Bushnell (aka the real-life inspiration for Carrie Bradshaw) has some surprising things to say about her career and her iconic father.

“Growing up, I was treated as the favorite because I was the only girl. I was the princess; I was perfect in my dad’s eyes,” Paris says.

The 18-year-old adds that her sheltered upbringing made for a difficult transition into what she calls “the real world.”

“The first 12 years of my life I was homeschooled,” she tells the magazine.

“Which means that the only interactions I’d ever had were with family members or other adults.”

Paris says she “didn’t have social skills” as a child, adding, “I had to force myself to learn so fast.”

These days, she says she lives a mostly “solitary” existence (that apparently doesn’t preclude appearing on magazine covers), but believes she’s become a much better communicator.

“For the past six years, I’ve been learning how to communicate,” she says.

“And I think I’ve gotten pretty good at it.”

As for why she doesn’t give more interviews (kind of a strange question, as she gives a LOT of interviews), Paris says she gets bored with answering the same question:

“All anyone wants to talk about is my father, and it makes me sad,” she says.

And that’s understandable.

So why give interviews at all?

Paris seems a bit unsure on that score, but she offers this answer:

“It’s a complicated answer,” she tells Bushnell.

“It’s a feeling of doing something important, that actually matters, that’s going to impact people. Plenty of times I’ve thought about not doing anything in the public eye and having my own private life.”

We’re not sure how giving interviews amounts to doing something important, but hey, Paris seems happy and that’s all that matters.

If you’ve followed her career, you know she hasn’t always traveled the smoothest of roads.

Paris attempted suicide in 2013, and she says she still copes with a number of mental health issues.

More recently, Paris broke up with Michael Snoddy, an older boyfriend whom many saw as a dangerous opportunist.

Wasting no time, Paris has reportedly moved and begun dating Tony Oller.

She’s that level of famous where people will scrutinize her every move and worry no matter what she does, but fortunately she seems to be doing just fine.


Jonathan Lipnicki Says Talking About Childhood Bullying is Liberating (VIDEO)

Jonathan Lipnicki just hit 2 big milestones — starring in more movies as an adult than as a kid … and being honest about his childhood demons. We got the former child star — who became famous as a kid star in “Jerry Maguire” and…


Colton Haynes Already Talking Kids 4 Days After Engagement!!! (VIDEO)

Colton Haynes is on the fast-track … a quickie wedding followed real quick by some bambinos.  The “Teen Wolf” star was all smiles at LAX Thursday after getting engaged to Jeff Leatham in Cabo.   He knows at least one song they’ll…


Wednesday, March 15, 2017

33 Celebrities with HUGE Boobs ... How Big Are We Talking?

From Christina Hendricks to Kim Kardashian, and from Jessica Simpson to Katy Perry, these celebrities all have amazing boobs.

Amazingly large. Who knew 36H was even a real size?

There"s no denying it, so we might as well appreciate it! Here"s a look at the respective sizes of 33 famous women"s prized assets.

Some of which are almost hard to believe …

1. Sofia Vergara

Sofia vergara at the emmys

We can actually see Sofia Vergara’s boobs in this photo. Settle down, guys. But know that she has admitted they are 32F, which is rather insane.

2. Charlotte McKinney

Charlotte mckinney cleavage image

Charlotte McKinney has been recently challenging Kate Upton’s reign as Queen of the Internet. Here you can see why … they’re 32F as well.

3. Jennifer Love Hewitt

Jennifer love hewitt shape cover

Jennifer Love Hewitt’s SHAPE has been the object of admiration for years. Mainly among men 28-36. Her bra size is reportedly 30GG (Or 30H), which is fairly remarkable.

4. Katy Perry

Hot hot katy

Katy Perry owes a large part of her success to her breasts. Not all of it, as she has some catchy songs and is a fun performer. But a large part. They’re 32D, and she rates herself a 10 out of 10 in bed too guys.

5. Christina Hendricks

Christina hendricks at the 2012 emmys

Mad Men? No one we can think of would be mad about Christina Hendricks’ 32F breasts. Yes, F.

6. Emily Ratajkowski

Emily ratajkowski bikini body

Emily Ratajkowski’s chest measures a 32C. She is gorgeous BTW.

View Slideshow

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Brad Pitt & Jennifer Aniston: Talking Again Following His Divorce?

As you’ve no doubt heard by now, Angelina Jolie filed for divorce from Brad Pitt back in September, a move reportedly spurred by a confrontation between Brad and his eldest son aboard a private jet.

You’re probably also aware that Jennifer Aniston married Justin Theroux last year in a low key ceremony held in the couple’s backyard.

So it might seem that the timing isn’t exactly ideal for Brad to try and reconcile with his first wife, but when you’re Brad Pitt, no romantic conquest is impossible.

According to Us Weekly, Pitt went to great lengths to track down Jen’s cell phone number so that he could wish her a happy 48th birthday last month.

Sources tell the magazine that Pitt tracked Aniston’s number down via a “tangled web” of contacts and that the actress immediately opened up to the idea of forming a friendship with her ex.

“They started talking once he wished her a happy birthday,” the insider claims.

What started as a casual catching-up reportedly developed into a shoulder-to-cry-on situation, with Brad opening up to Jen about the pain of his sudden divorce.

It’s easy to imagine Jen hanging up with a hearty “HA!” considering Brad left her for Angelina after five years of marriage, but apparently she made a genuine effort to console her ex.

“[Pitt] has confided in Jen,” reveals the source.

“Brad told her he’s having a hard time with his split and they exchanged a few texts reminiscing about the past.”

Considering past reports that Pitt and Theroux have passive-aggressively butted heads, you might think that Jen’s new man would have a problem with her serving as Brad’s amateur therapist.

But apparently, he and Jen are so content and stable in their marriage that he’s actually glad she’s making an effort to help Brad.

“Justin is OK with them being friends,” says the insider.

“[He knows] Jen just wants to be nice.”

It’s not every day that tabloids downplay drama, which is enough to make us think there’s some truth to this story.

Maybe Brad and Jen can work out a Ross and Rachel-type scenario in which they remain close platonic friends, despite all that they’ve been through together.

Except, ya know, without the surprise pregnancy.

Pitt has enough kids, and Aniston pregnancy rumors are so old at this point.


Friday, February 17, 2017

Darrelle Revis Claims Drunk Guy Picked Fight ... "Beer Muscles Were Talking" (Video)

Darrelle Revis’ attorney is spelling out the NFL star’s side of the violent incident in Pittsburgh — claiming he was attacked by a drunk guy who was flexing his “beer muscles.” TMZ Sports spoke with Blaine Jones who says Revis did everything in…


Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Matt Lauer to Kellyanne Conway: WTH Are You Talking About?

Late Monday night, General Michael Flynn resigned his post as National Security Advisor after reports confirmed that he had been in touch with Russian officials during the Donald Trump administration"s transition to the Oval Office.

He told these officials that President Trump would likely lift the sanctions imposed on Russia by Barack Obama…

… and then he lied to Vice President Mike Pence (among others) about these discussions.

As part of The Washington Post story that broke this troubling news, we learned that the Justice Department warned President Trump"s administration last month that Flynn misled Pence about his conversation with the Russian ambassador to the United States.

The Justice Department therefore concluded, in its briefing of President Trump, that Flynn could be susceptible to blackmail by Russia.

And yet Trump did not fire Flynn.

The General resigned mere hours after advisor Kellyanne Conway told reporters that he had the "full confidence" of the President.

Yes, the same President who was aware that Flynn had spoken to Russia and presumably lied about this contact to the Vice President a few weeks ago.

So… either Flynn never lied and the administration was aware all along of Flynn"s traitorous actions.

Or Flynn did lie, did talk to Russia illegally and Trump knew all about it – and didn"t care.

There are no other alternatives here.

Conway suggested that Flynn"s resignation was his own decision even though the administration knew a month ago that he misled them.

"You’re saying that"s the straw that broke the camel’s back, but the White House knew about that last month when the Justice Department warned the White House that [Flynn] had not been completely honest," Lauer said, adding:

"Kellyanne, that makes no sense!

"Last month the Justice Department warned the White House that General Flynn had misled them! And that as a result he was vulnerable to blackmail and at that moment he still had the complete trust of the president?"

It"s an amazing exchange, and a very awkward exchange. 

Watch every second of it below:

Matt lauer to kellyanne conway wth are you talking about