Showing posts with label Weird. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Weird. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Caitlyn Jenner: I Felt Weird Making Love to Kris Jenner!

In her new memoir, The Secrets of My Life, Caitlyn Jenner gets candid – very, very candid – about all aspects of her life, past and present.

Among those? Her two-decade marriage to Kris Jenner, with no holds barred regarding the many ups, downs and confusion therein.

Caitlyn has already dropped a couple of mini-bombshells.

Asserting that Robert Kardashian knew O.J. was guilty and that Kris knew Caitlyn was trans from day one, Jenner is trying to sell books.

If those and the latest excerpts – which discuss her sex life with Kris – are representative of the memoir at large, it’ll be a global bestseller.

“We fall in love quickly (we marry after seven months),” the Olympian, 67, writes in an excerpt published today, cutting right to the chase.

“Since – let’s not kid ourselves – everyone wants to know, Kris and I [had] good and frequent sex at the beginning.”

The former Bruce Jenner, who transitioned into a woman and took the name Caitlyn two years ago, says it was still awkward, though.

Caitlyn describes the sex as “imbued with love” but admits she wasn’t “entirely comfortable” with the act of making love to Kris Jenner.

“I tell Kris about my gender issues before I make love to her. This will always be a subject of dispute between us,” she laments.

“She insists that she was taken by surprise by my ultimate transition to Caitlyn, which obviously means in her mind that she did not know enough.”

In January, Caitlyn underwent gender reassignment surgery to make that transition physically complete. But it was a long time coming.

Jenner says that on a number of occasions during their relationship, she dressed as a woman in front of Kris … and had 36B-cup breasts.

In 1990. When they met.

Cait attributes her chest then to hormone therapy, while admitting that she often stole makeup and clothing from her wife and daughters.

“I have bought makeup how-to books,” Caitlyn adds.

“I keep the [makeup] books, along with my meager collection of clothing, in a small closet with a lock in the back of my closet.” 

“Kris and I have negotiated this,” she recalls of that time period, “since she is terrified, as I am, of the kids finding something.”

Strange as it was to have sex with Kris while she felt like a woman herself, Cait says the public interest in her sex life now is stranger still.

“I don’t have the appetite for [sex], which is why the public’s obsession over [my gender confirmation surgery] is annoying,” she writes.

“It hearkens back to this misperception that people transition because of their sexual desires,” says the transgender advocate.

Which isn’t to say he doesn’t have any.

The thrice-divorced Jenner admits that she has in fact thought about what it would be like to be physically intimate with a man.

On the flip side, she’s still into women … in a sense. In a section completed before she had the surgery, Jenner muses on the subject:

“A future female companion? I think about that. A future female sexual companion? Not happening, at least for now, and perhaps not ever.” 

“A future male sexual companion? I have never had the inclination. But maybe that attitude might possibly change if I have the Final Surgery.”

All in all, Caitlyn is focused on living life and spending time with family, including daughters Kendall, 21, and Kylie, 19, from her marriage to Kris.

She also shares Burt, 38, and Cassandra, 36, with ex-wife Chrystie Crownover, and Brandon, 35, and Brody, 33, with Linda Thompson. 


Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Artie Lange Gets Big Break in Weird Drug Case

Artie Lange will not be charged with drug possession, despite a police report which says he had several bags of suspected heroin and coke. TMZ reported Artie was arrested at his New Jersey apartment building last month after cops found heroin in his…


Artie Lange Gets Big Break in Weird Drug Case

Artie Lange will not be charged with drug possession, despite a police report which says he had several bags of suspected heroin and coke. TMZ reported Artie was arrested at his New Jersey apartment building last month after cops found heroin in his…


Friday, March 31, 2017

Kim Kardashian Says It"s the Tooth! She Has a Weird Hidden Talent (VIDEO)

Kim Kardashian says her nose ALWAYS knows when it comes to rotting teeth … and that’s not just some BS her ‘KUWTK’ producers cooked up for the show. We got Kim at Cuvee restaurant in West Hollywood, and asked about a very strange claim she…


Friday, January 6, 2017

Jinger Duggar Reveals Weird Reason Her Wedding Dress Train Was So Long

If you watch Counting On online, then you probably remember the reality series November 16 installment.

That was the episode in which fans finally got to see Jinger Duggar’s wedding, because in Duggar Land, marriages aren’t official until 2 million people have witnessed your awkward first kiss.

For the most part, the Duggar faithful were as unquestioningly supportive as usual, but there was one detail that seemed to cause mass befuddlement on social media.

Jessa’s wedding dress led many fans to openly wonder why she went with such an impractically long train.

Now, Renee Miller, owner of the Arkansas bridal shop where Jinger was fitted for her dress, has revealed that the /.. year-old made it clear exactly why she wanted a mile-long train.

And like just about everything else the Duggars do, her decision was rooted in a strictly literal interpretation of the Bible.

Miller says Jinger and Jeremy came into her shop in search of a gown that met the specifications of an esoteric Old Testament verse:

“Both Jinger and Jeremy desired for the dress to have what I can a ‘train fit for royalty,’ based on a Bible verse that Jeremy had quoted to his wife-to-be,” Miller wrote on the Duggar family blog this week.

“That verse was Isaiah 6:1.”

“When Jinger tried on the three protocol dresses, she always looked at the train before she looked at the front, so I knew that was her heart. 

She adds:

“I wanted the train to be the center of attention.”

In case you’re also looking to take your fashion cues from a Bronze Age mystic, the verse reads:

“I saw the Lord sitting on a throne, high and lifted up, and the train of His robe filled the temple.”

But if God had a crazy-long train, wouldn’t that mean Jinger wouldn’t want one, what with all the rules against graven images and likenesses and whatnot?

Eh, we doubt the big guy is too upset about it either way.

Miller, who also designed Jill and Jessa’s dresses, says that she’s favored by the Duggars because she considers dress-making to be a spiritual calling:

“I tried to listen to her heart, which was difficult because we hadn’t yet met face-to-face,” Miller says of creating Jinger’s dress.

“I prayed that I would be able to create a unique dress that would fulfill her dreams.”

Sounds like she met the challenge.

Of course, Jinger is so gaga for her dude, she could’ve gotten hitched in a burlap sack with arm holes, and she still would’ve had a huge grin on her face.


Monday, October 17, 2016

Snooki: Huge and Weird Lip Injections Set Internet on Fire!

Snooki – AKA Nicole Polizzi – is going seriously overboard with her body enhancements. 

First it was those lips, and then it was Snooki’s boob job, and now we’re back to her lips … presumably because she wanted to take the attention off her chest. 

Snooks posted the above photo on Instagram with the caption, “You guys, it happened.” 

“I’m a Hot Mess Soccer Mom watching Lorenzo kick ass on the field,” she wrote.

Except that we never saw a soccer mom looking like this, and what is even happening with her upper lip?

We weren’t the only ones to notice.

Snooki took a lot of flak over the picture, and especially on Twitter.

Some of the comments included, “Forget the boobs.” 

“WTF happened to your face!! Your upper lip looks like a giant fly swatter.”  

Another simply read, “Her lips, OMG.” 

Snooki herself explained the lips away in a cheeky Twitter update. 

“I got slapped in the face by an octopus on vacation,” she wrote. 

The above photo is what those lips used to look like, the last time she said she was done with lip injections, and really it’s not so bad.  

We are talking about Jersey Shore’s Snooki, though, so you know whatever she does – or says – is only going to get bigger and more intense. 

In her final Twitter update, joking with those slamming her lips, she wrote, “Frozen lips are in, girl!”  

At least she can maintain a sense of humor over what the hell she’s doing to her face, which is systematically destroying it needle and implant by needle and implant.  

Life sure is funny when you’re Snooki, right? 

Here’s some real talk, though, girl – leave the face alone. 

Your boobs actually look just fine, and to be honest, they aren’t that much bigger than your former cup size. 

But your face?

You did your teeth, tried the lip thing, and now it’s time to stop.  

You’re gonna end up looking like something off The Real Catladies of Jersey Shore soon – co-starring Jocelyn Wildenstein. 

That thing doesn’t really exist, but somebody should get on it stat – who wants to live in a world where it doesn’t?

Good luck on the mug, girl.  

But stop before you – or your lips – get ahead of yourself, okay? 


Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Jeremy Vuolo: Jinger Duggar"s Fiance Spotted Engaging in WEIRD Behavior With Own Cousin!

Reports that Jessa Duggar is pregnant with her second child are dominating today’s Duggar news and providing some much-needed publicity for the second season of Counting On which happens to not-so-coincidentally premiere tonight.

But while the expansion of the Seewald clan will no doubt receive plenty of screentime, the show will reportedly focus primarily on the courtship between Jinger Duggar and Jeremy Vuolo.

Yes, Jinger and Jeremy are engaged and Counting On cameras were reportedly on hand to capture the early days of the couple’s relationship.

(They’ve only been dating for a few months, so in a way, we guess it’s still the early days.)

There’s no word yet on whether or not the JinJer wedding will be televised, but Vuolo was recently on hand for another couple’s nuptials, and you can bet the events of that night will definitely not be featured on a Duggar-approved show.

In fact, you can be sure Jinger’s parents are doing some serious cringing today:

The Duggar Family News Facebook page recently posted the above photo along with a caption reading:

“Jeremy doing the garter tradition to his cousin. I’m pretty sure we won’t see this at his wedding.”

Yes, the leg that Jeremy is getting so up close and personal with belongs to his cousin.

Now, to be fair, the garter thing is sort of like the bouquet toss for the single men at a wedding.

It’s not uncommon, but it’s a little weird in this case for a few reasons:

For starters, let us repeat that that’s Jeremy’s cousin.

That’s weird on its own, but considering he’s soon to marry into a family was recently involved in an incestuous sex scandal, you would think he’d just take a pass.

Speaking of Jeremy joining the Duggar clan, the family is so chaste that they don’t even allow engaged couples to kiss before the wedding.

Considering they don’t even allow their daughters to expose their ankles in public, we imagine that Jim Bob and Michelle aren’t too cool with the garter tradition.

Watch Counting On online to get caught up in time for tonight, then check out the premiere to see if Jer has some explaining to do.

He might find himself on the receiving end of a Jim Bob glare that could bend a spoon.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Kylie Jenner Celebrates Birthday With MASSIVE Cleavage, Weird Gold Teeth

As you may have heard, Kylie Jenner turned 19 yesterday, and she celebrated as only she can.

Yes, by posting $ 200,000 bail for Tyga, but also by upholding her family’s tradition of marking every occasion with revealing selfies:

Yup. Those are Kylie’s boobs, in case you somehow forgot what they looked like.

She captioned the pic with a heart Emoji and a simple “19,” presumably as a reminder that you can officially drop the “barely legal” designation from Kylie’s inevitable sex tape.

But if you thought Ms. Jenner would celebrate with one simple pic of her familiar cleavage, you don’t Kylizzle.

In her ongoing effort to ensure that – though she’s never technically posed nude – her average Instagram follower could accurately envision her nude form with the accuracy of a police sketch artist, Kylie also posted the requisite photo of her butt.

She captioned the photo:

“Thanks for all the birthday wishes. Best Birthday yet.”

When you think about it the caption was pretty unnecessary, as we all know that a butt photo is the traditional Kardashian-Jenner clan means of offering thanks.

But by now, we all know to expect T&A pics on Kylie’s social media pages.

The real surprise in her latest crop of pics is the one that reveals Kylie and Captain Jack Sparrow might share a common dentist.

Yes, that’s Kylie rockin’ a gold grill.

No, we have no idea why Kylie thought that was a good idea.

We’d guess that it was a gift from Tyga, but there’s that whole $ 200,000 bail thing.

We don’t think he doled out much in the way of extravagant presents for Kylie’s big 1-9. 

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Liam Hemsworth and Miley Cyrus: Cute Sing-Along Takes Weird Turn!

It"s all fun and games until your beloved plays a trick on you.

Miley Cyrus recorded video of her car ride sing-a-long with Liam Hemsworth and her dog, Barbie.  

And while we really only saw Barbie in the Instagram video (not that we"re complaining, because that face is darling), we were treated to the vocal talents of Hemsworth singing Justin Bieber"s "Love Yourself."

Cyrus" angelic voice was on display, but we already know she can sing.  What we"re more interested in is the off-camera adorableness that is Hemsworth, that Australian hunk who is set to make an honest woman out of Cyrus.

At one point in the video, Hemsworth lets out a startling scream, both freaking out and annoying Cyrus.

"Babe, stop! Seriously," she scolded Hemsworth.

Celeb couples, they"re just like us!

Cyrus will be a coach on the 11th season of The Voice, premiering this fall on NBC.  Her fellow coach, Blake Shelton playfully talked smack about the star back in May about the new addition.

"God, I hope [Miley] sucks,” Shelton joked to Access Hollywood.

“I hope she sucks, I hope Alicia [Keys] sucks and I know Adam sucks … But I have a feeling she probably won’t.”

 “I think she’ll probably work hard at this because she’s definitely someone who thinks, obviously, thinks outside the box and so I know she’s going to bring her own elements, as far as mentoring, into the show,” he said.

“I think The Voice needs it, I think we need her.”

Cyrus has her game face on, and has been prepping for her seat on the set since the announcement was made.

"Blake made a joke of he knows why I always have my tongue out, it’s because it’s always tired because I never stop talking,” Cyrus told Jimmy Fallon. “But he’s gonna regret that when I win.”

A new season of The Voice premieres Monday, September 19th on NBC.

Liam hemsworth and miley cyrus cute sing a long takes a weird tu

Monday, July 25, 2016

Amber Rose Defends/Threatens Kanye in Weird Taylor Swift Rant

By now, you’ve almost certainly heard about the situation with Kanye West and Taylor Swift.

But if you’re somehow not in the know, or you’re a Swift fan and you’ve blocked it all out of your memory like Taylor blocked the snake Emojis from her Instagram page, here’s what you’ll need to know to appreciate the latest development:

Kanye’s most recent album included a track called “Famous,” in which he takes a surprising shot at Taylor Swift.

Taylor claimed to be blindsided by the lyrics, but Kanye’s wife, Kim Kardashian, called Swift out with a video in which West is seen calling the singer to get her approval while he was working on the track. 

The music video for “Famous” – which features a nude wax figure of Swift alongside several other celebs – didn’t exactly help matters.

Enter Amber Rose, who recently launched a VH1 talk show as part of her ongoing effort to become known for something other than dating famous rappers.

In the clip below, Amber sounds off on the Kanye-Taylor feud in surprising fashion:

Rose has a unique perspective on the matter because, as she points out, she was Kanye’s date during his infamous interruption of Taylor’s acceptance speech at the VMAs.

The weird thing is that when she talks about that moment, she makes it sound like Kanye was the victim.

She even goes so far as to say his stage rush “wasn’t about Taylor.”

Amber’s whole Wendy Williams-esque gossipy take on the situation is bizarre for a number of reasons.

For starters, whether he intended it or not, Kanye’s interruption was about Taylor, because, ya know, she was one up there winning an award.

Rose goes on to talk about the fallout from the situation like West is blameless, despite the fact that he was the grown-ass man who perpetrated what can only be described as a colossal dick move.

And, of course, all of this is especially strange coming from Rose, who has been publicly trashed by Kanye on numerous occasions.

At least she closes out by threatening to reveal more about Kanye’s sexual quirks. #FingersInTheBootyAssBitchForever

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Alia Shawkat Details REALLY WEIRD Celebrity Sex Encounter

Alia Shawkat will forever be best known for her role as Maeby on Arrested Development.

At least that"s what we assumed prior to watching the following video.

Now we"re pretty sure Alia Shawkat will forever be best known as the actress who had very strange sex with a mysterious celebrity whose identity we"re DYING to know.

In an interview with Viceland, the 27-year old begins her story by saying she met an anonymous star at a party.

She never divulges his name, but she does say he"s a bit older that she is… he has "really smokey eyes" … and he is a "mysterious, intense dude."

What else does she say about him? Well…

"He approaches me and pinned me against the wall," she said of how the sexual encounter got started, adding that he also kicked everyone out of the party so the two could be alone.

That was thoughtful of him, right?

But then things took a turn for the very, very weird.

"He was like directing me," she continues, saying he then told her, "I need you to go take a shower, I need you to be clean."

A hot and steamy shower together? Not quite.

Shawkat showered alone and was then told by this mystery man: "I"m going to shave you now."

Yup. She her down there.

Alia went on to say that the intercourse itself was just as unusual, as her famous paramour kept saying, "I shouldn"t be doing this" throughout the penetration.

The two subsequently passed out before she snuck out of his place the following morning.

"Later that morning, I woke up [at home] and was like, "Did that s—t happen to me?" she says.

"And I looked under the covers, yep that happened. There"s nothing down there."

What happened when she ran into this same guy at a bar on a later date?

Watch to find out and then let the theories fly: WHO WAS THIS GUY?!?

Alia shawkat details really weird celebrity sex encounter

Monday, June 6, 2016

Justin Bieber in Really Weird New Video: WHY?!?!?!?!?

Justin Bieber is asking the same question in the following video as many of his fans asked upon learning he would no longer pose for selfies with them:


The artist has updated his Instagram page to include footage he appears to have filmed himself.

It’s a bit strange and a tad perplexing, with Bieber himself writing the following as a caption to the brief video:

“I don’t know why I become a weirdo when I’m bored and alone I didn’t even know my face could form in this way.”

Typically, we’d just chalk this up to Justin Bieber being weird.

But Justin Bieber has been acting weird for several weeks now.

Not because he recently changed his hair color, although we’re not sure if we loved the buzzed/blonde look displayed below:

It’s more because he recently went on a rant against awards shows and and posed like Jesus Christ in a tree during a tour stop in Boston.

Bieber has been talking about God a lot more than usual and not showing a lot of respect for his fans.

He also took off nearly all of his clothing last week and placed his hand on his penis. Although we guess this isn’t all that unusual for the attractive singer:

Perhaps Bieber is just trying to promote his new line of emojis.

They do say that any type of publicity of good publicity, right?

Upon dyeing his hair over the weekend, Bieber told fans to download his Justmoji app in order to get a look at his latest appearance.

So maybe there is something to this theory.

Justin, of course, then went ahead and shared photos of the dye job on Instagram anyway… so who the heck knows what’s going on?

We should probably stop asking why Justin Bieber does a lot of the things that Justn Bieber does.

In the video above, after all, he admits himself that he doesn’t have a clue.

Friday, June 3, 2016

Stevie J Gay Rumors Fueled by Weird Joseline Hernandez Tweets

Stevie J may be gay.

Or at least bisexual.

We are offering no judgment if the reality star fits into either of these categories.

We’re just just trying to make sense of what Joseline Hernandez wrote this week on Twitter.

Joseline, of course, is the estranged ex-wife of Stevie J.

The two have been separated for seven months, largely due to the fact that Hernandez got drunk and took bleach to $ 40,000 worth of her husband’s clothing collection last year.

So you may want to take anything Hernandez writes about her ex with a grain of salt the size of her very large boobs.

As anyone who watched Stevie J and Joseline: Go Hollywood and/or Love and Hip Hop Atlanta Season 5 know all too well, these two do not always get along.

So there’s your preamble.

Now here’s the mysterious crux of the story:

In a series of Tweets on May 30 and May 31, Hernandez made a reference to getting one “where it hurts,” which she classified as “the pockets” and which implies some sort of blackmail.

She then referenced people who act all “hard,” but who are into “gay porn,” going on to tease a reveal at the VH1 “reunion.”

In reverse chronological order, here’s a look at the cryptic Tweets, 

j gay tweets

These could mean… pretty much anything.

But many are taking them as shots at Stevie J’s sexuality, even if the star once claimed he slept with Mariah Carey.

Later on in her rant, Joseline shares the photo of an invoice for a lie detector test, making it appear as if she has some kind of evidence that she’s telling the truth…

… When it comes to whatever the heck she’s talking about here.

And if Hernandez is implying that Stevie J is gay, well, she’s been openly bisexual for years now.

We should probably stop trying to figure out the relationship between Joseline Hernandez and Stevie J at this point, huh? Our bad.

Go ahead and make your own diagnosis based on this Twitter diatribe.

Stevie J Gay Rumors Fueled by Weird Joseline Hernandez Tweets

Stevie J may be gay.

Or at least bisexual.

We are offering no judgment if the reality star fits into either of these categories.

We’re just just trying to make sense of what Joseline Hernandez wrote this week on Twitter.

Joseline, of course, is the estranged ex-wife of Stevie J.

The two have been separated for seven months, largely due to the fact that Hernandez got drunk and took bleach to $ 40,000 worth of her husband’s clothing collection last year.

So you may want to take anything Hernandez writes about her ex with a grain of salt the size of her very large boobs.

As anyone who watched Stevie J and Joseline: Go Hollywood and/or Love and Hip Hop Atlanta Season 5 know all too well, these two do not always get along.

So there’s your preamble.

Now here’s the mysterious crux of the story:

In a series of Tweets on May 30 and May 31, Hernandez made a reference to getting one “where it hurts,” which she classified as “the pockets” and which implies some sort of blackmail.

She then referenced people who act all “hard,” but who are into “gay porn,” going on to tease a reveal at the VH1 “reunion.”

In reverse chronological order, here’s a look at the cryptic Tweets, 

j gay tweets

These could mean… pretty much anything.

But many are taking them as shots at Stevie J’s sexuality, even if the star once claimed he slept with Mariah Carey.

Later on in her rant, Joseline shares the photo of an invoice for a lie detector test, making it appear as if she has some kind of evidence that she’s telling the truth…

… When it comes to whatever the heck she’s talking about here.

And if Hernandez is implying that Stevie J is gay, well, she’s been openly bisexual for years now.

We should probably stop trying to figure out the relationship between Joseline Hernandez and Stevie J at this point, huh? Our bad.

Go ahead and make your own diagnosis based on this Twitter diatribe.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Frank Dillane: Arrested for Some Really Weird Behavior

Nick may be one of the only characters that is bearable on AMC’s Fear The Walking Dead… but the actor that plays him isn’t going down quite as well with the law. 

The actor in question is Frank Dillane and, according to TMZ, he was arrested for trying to force his way into the CBS lot on Sunday night. 

You’d think that he’d be filming there (or doing something there at least), but it turns out his show doesn’t even film anywhere near the lot. 

It’s sort of weird to think that just because he’s on a successful series he thinks he should be allowed to go wherever he wants. 

That shouldn’t be the case and he’ll no doubt find himself in even more trouble down the line. 

Things apparently got more alarming for security when Dillane grew irritated about the whole experience and struck the guard. 

Yes, he struck the freaking guard. 

He got what was coming to him when the other guards performed a citizen’s arrest. 

If you thought his day couldn’t get any worse, then you’re mistaken… 

The LAPD showed up on the scene and charged him with battery. 

Will this affect this up and coming star from continuing his rise in popularity? Probably not, but it’s pretty concerning. 

On Fear The Walking Dead, his character recently figured out how to make his way through groups of walkers undetected. 

It’s a bit alarming that his alter ego can get through hordes of zombies and he can’t make it past a few guards. 

Fear The Walking Dead recently debuted a new season and solidified itself as the second highest rated cable series on all of television.

Dillane’s first big break was as Tom Riddle in Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince.

This is whole thing is a pretty big deal, so it should be interesting to read Dillane’s next tweet about the whole thing!

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Blake Shelton on Gwen Stefani: We"re SO Different, It"s Weird!

When Blake Shelton and Gwen Stefani first went public with their relationship, it was a little jarring.

Whaaa? Gwen’s, like, this super glam pop princess, and she’s with that country dude? They thought.

Sure, they were coaches together on The Voice, but fans would’ve predicted a romance between Shelton and Adam Levine before this one.

(Actually, we haven’t ruled that out, either.)

Recently, on The Today Show, Shelton admitted his dalliance with Stefani was unconventional.

“It’s a little weird,” he said. “We could not be, on paper, any more different.” 

“I mean, I’m a country singer and she’s a ska, rock, pop, whatever it is … and it’s just an odd idea,” he added.

“On paper” seems to be the key term here, because in the flesh, they just work.

“But man, it’s a lot of fun. I’ve gotta be honest about that,” he admitted.

Fans got a glimpse into just how fun it is between them when they totally eye-banged each other while performing their duet, “Go Ahead and Break My Heart” on a recent episode of The Voice.

Have a look:

It’s easy to see why The Voice executive producer Mark Burnett is so damn excited about their union, too.

Shelton confesses he started to write the song, which is featured on the Angry Birds Movie soundtrack, to show off to his new girlfriend.

“I actually wrote that song, started it just to try to impress her, to be honest with you,” Shelton said.

“I sent it to her just half done and said, ‘I wrote a song, kind of about you,’ and she wrote the next verse and sent it back to me.

And so it was like, ‘Oh, we’ve got a song together.’ That’s kind of cool.”

Sources say Blake and Gwen will announce their engagement on The Voice in the near future, but we’ll believe that when it happens.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

January Jones Bathes With & Moisturizes 4-Year-Old Son: Weird or Whatever?

It’s been a while since January Jones’ name has been mentioned in celebrity gossip circles.

She’s carved out a decent career for herself post-Mad Men with a steady role on the criminally underrated Fox sitcom The Last Man on Earth, and based on her social media presence she enjoys a pretty quiet personal life.

January briefly dated Will Forte, her LMOE co-star (and boss), but they remained friends (and she kept her job) after the relationship fizzled.

Shortly thereafter, there were rumors of Jones dating Jon Hamm, and she got caught up in all that Bobby Flay cheating drama (You might say she was a side dish. #ChefBurn!), but as far as we can tell, she’s still single and focusing on being a mom these days.

But don’t think she’s not bringing plenty of WASP-y Betty Draper weirdness into 4-year-old Xander’s life.

Check out some of JanJo’s comments from a recent interview and ask yourself if the toddler in your life is moisturized enough:

“I like having my baths, and he takes them with me,” Jones recently told People magazine. 

“I’m really strict about getting him moisturized…I may be over-grooming him. I don’t know!”

Is it kind of a weird thing to say? Absolutely.

Are we surprised? Not in the slightest.

We’ve always suspected there are some serious eccentricities aching to break free from that pretty blonde facade.

Strict About Moisturizing should be the title of Jones’ memoirs, which should be scrawled entirely in lipstick on tear-stained pages.

Is it weird that she treats her 4-year-old like he should be out grabbing orange mocha Frappuccinos with Derek Zoolander? Yeah, kinda.

But something tells us that doesn’t even crack the top ten list of strange things January does on a daily basis.

Monday, April 18, 2016

Michael Buble Defends Weird Way in Which He Eats Corn

Michael Buble has had it with the haters and the critics.

He’s not gonna sit back and simply take it anymore.

What? Huh? Pardon? No, you can say anything you want about his music.

That’s not the issue at stake here.

Instead, Buble has fired back against the online outrage that has built up over the way in which he eats corn on the cob.

Last Wednesday, the above picture of the singer at Disneyland in Anaheim, California went viral after it was shared on social media, with millions of users in consternation of what appeared to be Buble chowing down on a piece of corn as though it were a banana.

Was there some sort of mistake?

Some sort of odd camera angle at work here?

Nope, it doesn’t sound that way, not based on Buble’s response to his unconventional eating approach.

“This is vegetable harassment !!! What I do with my Cobb is nobody’s business. #mesocorny #paparazzi #shuckme,” Buble wrote as a caption in posting the same photo himself on Instagram.

The incident prompted responses from across the Web, including the following “Open Letter” from so-called comedian Dane Cook:

Hey, listen my crooner friend I get it. You wanted an entire husk of corn and wtf man who doesn’t right? A full cob just Popsicle style with a wad of paper towels to catch the extra butter dripping away. A torpedo or post kernel magnificence so hearty and yummy that you have to turn your hat backwards like you’re about to carry all 6 bags of groceries from the car to your kitchen counter cuz you don’t wanna make two trips.

Yes! We all do son! It’s like a warm hug from someone wearing a very bland thermal long sleeve shirt. Pure love.

Let’s maybe lay low for the next few weeks. No Garlic Knot Fairs, Rotwurst In The Park Conventions…. hell I would even steer clear of the biggest cheesy puff in the bowl partner. 

Point is this. Big brother is always watching and when you gots a massive phallic food item jammed lovingly in your mouthhole… we all need to know.

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Khloe Kardashian Posts Weird Butt Pic, SLAMS Haters!

You’d think Khloe Kardashian would learn to ignore the haters by now.

Because let’s face it, if you’re a Kardashian, you’re going to have at least as many critics as you do fans, and that’s part of what makes her family so popular.

But clearly she still reads the negative comments, and sometimes they still get to her.

Earlier today, the Kocktails With Khloe host shared a photo to Twitter of herself in bed – or, shall we say, part of herself.

It’s a POV-style pic of her torso lying in bed with her sweatpants pulled down to expose the top of her buttcheek.

“Good morning,” she tweeted.

While most fans gave praise for inspiring their #BodyGoals, naturally, the trolls were on hand as well.

“Your ass is fake now I see,” commented one user.

“Hyaluronic acid injection ;),” tweeted yet another.

The shade had an effect on Khloe today, because she clapped right back at them.

“It is 8:30 AM on Saturday morning and people still have something negative to say,” she tweeted. “I guess negativity never sleeps huh?!”

“You know if you don’t like something you don’t have to look at it right? Let alone waste your energy to comment. Thirsty thirsty thirsty,” she added.

You tell ’em, Khlo.

Khloe may be a bit on edge, as the celeb has been going through a rough patch in her life.

Recently, her estranged husband Lamar Odom reportedly returned to his life of substance abuse, which prompted her to share a devastating message about love and loss on Instagram.

Sources say she’s getting ready to make her divorce final after realizing she’ll never be able to help Lamar, and that she’ll ultimately be best without him.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Leah Messer: DRUNK on Date With Jeremy Calvert, Says Weird Stuff

In a sneak peek clip for Teen Mom 2, Leah Messer goes on a dinner date with her ex-husband Jeremy Calvert, and things get a little weird.

First, Leah is clearly tipsy if not full-blown wasted as she attempts to flirt with her ex.

“Like you were the one person I thought, like… I couldn’t imagine myself being with anyone else,” she said. “I’m telling you, like… mmmmm.”

Jeremy can tell Leah’s acting funny and calls her out.

“You buzzing?” he asks.

“I’m a little bit because I don’t ever drink,” she admits with a smile.

“You’re blacked out after the bottom of that glass,” he says with a straight face.

“Shut up!” replies Leah. “I’m sorry I don’t drink as much as you, alcy.”

But then the mom of three begins to question her ex about what could’ve been, as drunk folk are wont to do.

“There’s no excuse for the mistakes I’ve made,” she said. “But I wonder where we would be had we been together through my treatment.”

Leah went to rehab for an addiction to prescription painkillers but has reportedly been sober for some time.

“I’m not gonna lie to you, there was nights when I was scared for the girls,” Jeremy admitted.

Leah then gets teary-eyed and emotional and appears to appeal to Jeremy about a reconciliation.

“We shouldn’t have just gave up,” she tells him.

Jeremy is currently dating Brooke Wehr and recently informed Leah that they would never get back together, and he seems to be sticking by his word.

“I tried, I gave up,” he told her.