Showing posts with label Miss. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Miss. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Miss America Cara Mund Approves of Scrapping Swimsuit Competition

Miss America Cara Mund hasn’t put on a swimsuit since winning the crown in September, and says that proves the swimsuit competition is no longer necessary to get the job done. The Miss America Org announced Tuesday it’s scrapping…


Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Carson Kressley Getting Blowback Over Miss USA, "Sophie"s Choice" Joke

Carson Kressley joked it was impossible to choose his favorite Miss USA finalist — just like Meryl Streep choosing which of her kids to save — and suffice it to say, the joke triggered some outrage. “It’s like ‘Sophie’s Choice’! They’re all…


Miss USA 2018: Who Took Home the Sexist Crown?!?

Two days after Great Britain gave folks a look behind the lives of those involved with its crown, the United States went ahead and did something similar.

Kind of. Sort of. In a way, we guess.

America went ahead and crowned a new Miss USA.

While it seems unfathomable that such a contest still exists in the year 2018, especially as the #MeToo movement grows stronger and people finally realize that women are more than sexual objects, the competition really did air on Monday night.

And a lovely young women with huge boobs, a great body and a not totally asinine answer to a very broad and dumb question came out on top.

Congratulations, Sarah Rose Summers!

Indeed, Miss Nebraska was turned into Miss USA 2018 yesterday evening at the Hirsch Memorial Coliseum in Shreveport-Bossier, Louisiana.

After competing hard against 50 other women, Sarah Rose Summers impressed the judges with her brains, beauty and skill set.

Early in the show, for example, the busty blonde was asked to speak on the fact that one in four children in the United States live in single parent households.

How has that affected our generation’s views on marriage and family? she was asked.

(To be clear, this question is not dumb at all, as we mentioned above. It’s a very important problem. But it’s ridiculous to ask of beauty pageant contestants who are then given under a minute to respond.)

“I am so grateful to have grown up in a home with two parents,” Summer said, adding in profound detail:

“And so I can’t personally relate to this.

“However, I do work in children’s hospital as a certified child life specialist where I’m a liaison between the children and families and the medical team and I’ve seen single mothers at the bedside working remotely on their computers to stay by their children and support them.

“And I think that it just shows that children – no matter if it’s a boy or a girl – that they can do that.”

Summers also strutted across the stage at one point in a bikini:

For Summers, her final scenario was picturing herself on the way to a march or a protest and then someone hands her a blank sign and a marker.

What do you write on her sign and why?

She answered:

I say speak your voice. I don’t know what march we’re on our way to in this hypothetical situation, but no matter where you’re going, whatever type of march it is, you’re obviously on your way to that march because you care about that cause so go speak to people.

When they have questions, communicate with them. Listen to their views also.

That is one thing in the United States that we really need to focus on is listening to each other!

Please check out the following photo while we slam our heads against our desks for the next 30 seconds…

For the first time ever, this year’s Miss USA selection committee was comprised of all female entrepreneurs, business leaders and industry experts.

They included  former Miss USA contestants and members were:

  • Today show contributor Lilliana Vazquez

  • HLN host Natasha Curry

  • Founder/CEO of IT Cosmetics Jamie Kern Lima

That’s great and all.

But such a panel does not make a beauty contest any less antiquated or sexist.

Still: Congrats to Sarah Rose Summers!


Friday, May 18, 2018

Carole Radziwill to Bethenny Frankel: If You Come For Me, Don"t Miss!!

This week on The Real Housewives of New York Season 10 Episode 7, Bethenny Frankel and Dorinda Medley were helping the Americans in Puerto Rico with hurricane recovery efforts.

Bethenny gossiped about Carole’s boyfriend, and the feud between the erstwhile friends continued to intensify.

Now, Carole has taken to her blog to write about Bethenny. And she gets pretty vicious.

If you watch The Real Housewives of New York City online, you know that Bethenny was appalled at the slow recovery efforts in Puerto Rico.

While she didn’t toss a paper towel roll into the crowd and declare “mission accomplished,” she did hand out $ 125,000 in gift cards in addition to toys for children and other basic necessities.

In her blog post, Carole praises her … after a fashion.

“I’m glad to see my friend Bethenny step outside her affluent bubble, with her stream of rich boyfriends, rich friends with private planes, million dollar homes, and five-star resort vacations.”

That, folks, is shade. And it absolutely sets the tone for the rest of her post.

“One gets the impression this is the first time she’s witnessed real poverty. It can be life-changing. I know it was for me, many years ago when I first covered tragedies as a journalist.”

You have to love when people talk about someone else’s actions while reminding you of their own.

“The shock of having, then losing, one’s home and all its possessions (and having the guts and dignity to soldier on) is awe-inspiring.”

Yeah, but not in a good way. There’s a fine line between admiring someone’s perseverance and what people call “poverty porn.”

“It is partly why I quietly give money to charities and political campaigns I believe will make a difference in the world. And why, years ago, I created my own charitable foundation.”

And why she “quietly” blogs about it, right?

Carole hopes that Bethenny’s work in Puerto Rico will change her, as well.

“It is a good use of celebrity, and I hope this journey will make Bethenny a wiser and kinder person closer to home too.”

Then she gets more direct.

“From the looks of it she’s got a ways to go.”

Still, Carole expresses optimism for her former friend.

“But I’m not counting her out yet!”

At least there’s that.

“We are now in Episode 7, and as I continue to say how proud I am of her, and ask her about Puerto Rico, she continues to be out-of-control aggressive, parrot back anything Sonja tells her, berate Tinsley (a woman who wrote her a $ 10k check) and insult me behind my back.”

Politely insulting someone instead of directly insulting someone might be better … but not by much, right?

“And that’s just over drinks at Megu. Lol.”

Carole then makes a cringeworthy comparison.

“At lunch Dorinda is being verbally water-boarded, (that’s what we all call it).”

She’s about to explain her analogy, and we get it, but it’s not the most sensitive word to use. Domestic abusers have been known to use this torture method on their victims. Find a new metaphor.

“Bethenny does this often, you’ve all seen it:  her uninterruptable talk pattern that leaves her victims helplessly nodding in agreement.”

Bethenny Frankel has a forceful personality. She is charismatic. That is part of why she is so successful and why she makes for such good television.

“Sonja does this too which may be why these two are attached at the hip now.”

Notably, Bethenny believes that Sonja deserves more respect because she opened her home to Tinsley in her time of need.

“Dorinda is being used as a pawn to further Bethenny’s agenda and she doesn’t quite know it — yet.”

Right now, that agenda is just … helping people in Puerto Rico.

But Carole objects to how Bethenny characterizes her and to how her boyfriend, Adam, is characterized.

“Not only am I a high maintenance, eyelash-wearing, fashion-obsessed, childless friend who doesn’t have a job and isn’t interested in what’s going on in the world, but guess what, Adam is too (minus the lashes)!”

Bethenny did not appreciate that Adam refuses to do charity work without compensation. And she said as much on this week’s episode.

“As a woman, it makes me sad to watch another [woman], who I thought was my friend, talk behind my back with such cattiness and disrespect.”

Some may question whether speaking in front of a camera in footage that will certainly be aired qualifies as “behind someone’s back.”

“But it makes good television and in the end that is Bethenny’s one true friend. Pass the popcorn.”

Carole gets very defensive over her career.

“All I’ll say about the latest bunch of insults, including the bizarre claim that I don’t have a career, is this: I will put my resume up against Bethenny Frankel’s any day of the week.”

She’s happy to compare work histories.

“When Bethenny was auditioning for B movies, I was travelling for ABC News to places similar to what you saw in Puerto Rico.”

We do think that Bethenny was referring to her current work situation. Not that it matters, because it doesn’t.

“After that I worked in publishing and wrote for national magazines, and now yes, I am on Reality TV.”

She then suggests that she has better priorities.

“The irony isn’t lost on me that while Bethenny is gossiping about me over pizza with Dorinda, I’m working. “

At the end come Carole Radziwill’s most explosive words.

“Get off my jock and if you’re going to come for me — you better not miss.”

Dang, girl.

“You did a great thing in Puerto Rico, then you let your ego get the best of you.”

Isn’t that all part of the job?

“I’m still rooting for you… Until next week…”

This feud continues to be a lot.


Thursday, April 26, 2018

Tyga to Kylie Jenner: I Miss Having Sex With You!

Back in February, Kylie Jenner welcomed her first child.

Fans feared the worst when news of Kylie’s pregnancy went public, but believe it or not, the pampered 20-year-old seems to have adjusted to new motherhood with remarkable ease.

Despite rumors to the contrary, Kylie is still dating Travis Scott, and it looks as though the two of them and little Stormi have formed quite the happy little family unit.

Of course, when you’re as famous as Kylie, flaunting your happiness is the same as begging someone to take it away.

So we guess it should come as no surprise that the lip kit mogul’s most infamous ex has come back around to complicate her situation.

You may remember that there was a time when Tyga thought Kylie’s baby was his.

That matter was reportedly cleared up when Tyga requested a paternity test and Kylie gave in in hopes that he would go away for good.

Predictably, that didn’t work, and Tyga is still very much darkening Kylie’s doorway.

In fact, according to In Touch, the rapper has not relented n his efforts to win Kylie back.

“Even though they’re not together, Tyga misses Kylie. For real,” a source tells the tabloid.

“He misses her sexiness. Her body. The lavish life, connections, money and exposure she gave him. He misses all of that and kicks himself every day for letting their relationship die.”

Um … sounds like he doesn’t miss Kylie so much as he misses having a young, hot meal ticket.

Apparently, Tyga looks at Travis and sees a man living what was supposed to be his life:

“What’s worse: she’s got a baby with Travis. That gnaws at him,” the insider continued.

“He wanted to be the one who gave Kylie a baby.”

The source adds:

“He wanted that so much but she was opposed. Tyga’s pissed about that. But even still, he forgives her because he loves her. And he knows he could still have a baby with her later down the line if they were ever to rekindle the passion they once had.”

We don’t know what to tell you, T-Raww. Guess you’ll have to find another attractive bajillionaire to impregnate.

We hear a few of Kylie’s sisters are single!


Friday, April 20, 2018

Former MSNBC Anchor Thomas Roberts Donates $25k from Hosting Trump"s Miss Universe

Thomas Roberts got paid $ 25k to co-host Donald Trump’s 2013 Miss Universe pageant in Moscow, but now he says he doesn’t know where that money came from … so he’s giving it away to a good cause. The former MSNBC anchor was being honored…


Monday, March 26, 2018

Kenny Smith Bathes in Duke"s Tears After They Miss Final 4, "Anybody But Duke!"

Look away, Blue Devils fans — Kenny Smith is basking in the glory of Duke’s Elite 8 loss to Kansas … and he ain’t holdin’ back! “When UNC is out of it, my alma mater, it’s like, ‘Anybody but Duke.’ So, I’m good right now,” Kenny told TMZ…


Monday, March 19, 2018

The Real Housewives of Atlanta Season 10 Episode 16 Recap: Driving Miss Kim

Remember that time NeNe Leakes wished that a heckler at her comedy show would get raped by her Uber driver?

Well, The Real Housewives of Atlanta Season 10 Episode 16 was all about that ill-fated comedy show from NeNe, and boy, it was crazy. 

The good thing about getting to see the aftermath play out on screen is that Nene could not have been any more apologetic. 

She knew what she did was wrong, and you could tell she felt horrible for the comments. As you may recall, she released a tearful social media video after the comments. 

Still, many questioned whether her tenure as a housewive would be coming to an end as a result of her big mouth. 

“I’m so quick to fight back. I have to learn to not fight back,” she said to Marlo Hampton and Cynthia Bailey.,

“I feel so bad,” she said as she burst into tears. 

“I would never wish harm or abuse upon another woman,” NeNe added. “I wish I could have said something different in that moment.”

We’re sure you do, NeNe, but it does not get away from the fact that your comments were downright disgusting. 

While NeNe was ready to move on with her life, she was not ready to put her feud with Kim Zolciak to bed. 

NeNe felt like Kim and Brielle were “racist trash.” 

Kim was not about to let NeNe play the race card, so she turned to Sheree Whitfield about all of it, and Sheree was Team Kim. 

“NeNe has gone way below the belt,” Sheree said.

“I’m so mad. She has spent so many years trying to sabotage my name,” Kim said of her one-time best friend. 

The true extent of the fight hit home with NeNe, and she defended calling Brielle racist by telling Gregg and Brentt that it had racial undertones. 

Now, Brielle never flat-out said anything (that we know about!) to NeNe, so it seems like NeNe is trying to change the narrative to take the heat off herself for the things she said. 

“It was mean. it was disgusting. Do I believe Kim is racist? Some things she has said makes me say ‘hmmm…’ ” NeNe said.

The Bravo editing team was on point with the scenes that came after. They were all scenes from the past that found Nene questioning whether Kim is racist. 

All told, this feud is far from over, and we still have a lot of big moments to watch playing out on-screen. 

Will the pair ever be able to patch things up?

We have no idea, but this is all getting a little bit ridiculous. 

What did you think of all the drama?

Sound off below. 


Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar Offer Can"t Miss Marriage Advice

Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar have been married for even more years than the number of children they"ve produced.

Thirty-three, to be exact.

Yes, Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar have been married for 33 years, most of which came long before they were reality TV stars.

And while their lives are not without controversy (here is a look at the latest scandal), the bond between them has never been questioned.

Seriously, of ALL the stories and all the issues surrounding the Duggars, how many times have we heard that this marriage is in trouble?

Okay, quite a few, but unlike many Duggar scandals, everyone knows those are bogus. Michelle and Jim Bob aren"t going anywhere.

What is their secret to a long-lasting relationship? Say what you will about them, and their belief system, but they certainly have one.

In honor of Valentine"s Day 2018, Jim Bob and Michelle are happy to share their keys to making marriage work. Such as …

1. An Instagram Tribute

An instagram tribute

“On Valentine’s Day everyone is thinking about LOVE and finding ways to express their love. I am so thankful for Michelle,” Jim captioned a photo of the couple on Instagram, prior to delving into specifics about his wife and their relationship.

2. He Continued:

He continued

“Not only is she a wonderful wife; caring, selfless, kind and compassionate but her beauty continues to radiate from the inside out and I genuinely love her more today than ever.”

3. And He Concluded:

And he concluded

“One of the things we’ve learned as a couple is that no matter how many children you have, or how busy you get, you have to continue to place a high priority on your marriage. Don’t neglect it. Don’t take it for granted. I always tell husbands, ‘Continue to date and romance your wife. Make sure she knows how special she is.’ Love you Michelle!”

4. What Else Can They Tell Us?

Michelle and jim bob wedding

Jim Bob included a link to the Duggar Family website at the end of this loving post, specifically to an article he and Michelle wrote about not only their marriage… but marriages in general.

5. What is Their Advice for Marital Success?

Jim bob duggar and michelle duggar on vacation

“We love each other more today than the day we married. Our love has grown richer & deeper with each passing year. Here are a few things we will share from our experience!” they wrote to open this helpful list.

6. Rule #1

Rule number 1

Early on in our relationship, we committed to never put each down or to call each other names (except sweetie, honey, etc…).

View Slideshow

Saturday, February 3, 2018

Kevin Hart"s Super Bowl Near Miss, Dodges Train in Minneapolis

Kevin Hart pulled a great escape Friday … narrowly dodging a passenger train! For one scary second, it looked like Kev might become the first casualty of the Super Bowl LII events in and around Minneapolis. We got him leaving Cowboy Jack’s…


Friday, February 2, 2018

Blake Shelton May Quit The Voice and Producers Won"t Miss Him!

The Voice has done a lot for Blake Shelton over the past 8 years. It’s how he and Gwen Stefani met. It’s how people who aren’t big Country fans know who he is. It’s probably how he somehow ended up “Sexiest Man Alive.”

Despite all of that, Blake is reportedly considering quitting the show that has given him so much — including tens of millions of dollars.

Surprisingly, it sounds like producers wouldn’t mind that at all. And it may all come down to Blake Shelton’s behavior when the cameras aren’t rolling.

Blake Shelton has been making headlines since he first hooked up with Gwen Stefani a few years ago.

Their runaway romance began after Gwen shared her story of being cheated on with her costars — she wanted to tell her fellow judges what was going on in her life before they heard speculation in tabloids.

Blake came forward, telling Gwen that he’d just gone through something similar in his own life.

The two of them bonded over that. And then, at some point, they boned. (There have even been reports that Blake Shelton is trying to impregnate Gwen Stefani)

So, money and visibility and alleged sexiness aside, it’s safe to say that The Voice has changed Blake Shelton’s life in a really positive way.

RadarOnline reports that Blake Shelton may walk away from The Voice.

“Blake has made tens of millions of dollars on The Voice and he has gotten insane exposure for his music.”

It’s true. If you’re not a Country fan, you had probably never heard of him before he went on The Voice, if then.

A lot of people never noticed that he existed until he started dating Gwen Stefani.

“But the money and fame have changed Blake.”

It sounds like he’s turned into a real diva when the cameras aren’t rolling.

“He is a cry baby if he doesn’t get his own way and he barks orders at people.”

Oh gosh. That sounds like an unpleasant way to behave.

That source has more to say, which we’ll get to in a moment.

But we should mention that some people’s first reaction will be that “diva behavior” doesn’t really match Blake Shelton’s image.

Or rather that it doesn’t really match Country Music’s image.

The key word there is image. Successful stars are great at managing their images; it is a key to success.

Blake Shelton is a guy who allegedly cheated just as much as Miranda Lambert, but it’s Miranda’s life that was ruined as the Country community sided with him during their split.

So it’s probably fair to say that Blake knows how to portray himself one way to the public and another in private.

Ultimately, Blake Shelton’s decision on whether or not to depart may rest on the shoulders of Adam Levine, who is also considering quitting.

The reason is that Adam’s wife Behati Prinsloo is pregnant with baby #2, and he may want to spend more time with his family.

“If Adam quits, Blake is definitely walking out behind him.”

Interesting. We wonder if Blake would feel insecure about remaining behind if Adam leaves. Certainly, we’ve never heard that there’s any love lost between the two.

Also interesting is that apparently the show itself wouldn’t mind.

“And producers are okay with that.”

For good reason:

“After eight years of Blake and Adam doing this, everyone is just ready for a change.”

It’s hard to parse stories about someone allegedly considering quitting; that could come from offhand remarks, after all.

But though new judges could breathe new life into The Voice, we have to wonder if the change could risk losing them viewers.

After all, despite the shock that most people felt when they saw Blake Shelton absurdly selected as the Sexiest Man Alive, some people clearly feel that way.

And maybe a lot of those people make up The Voice‘s core demographic of viewers.

“If Adam quits, Blake is definitely walking out behind him.”

“And producers are okay with that.”

“After eight years of Blake and Adam doing this, everyone is just ready for a change.”


Friday, January 26, 2018

Miss BumBum"s First Transgender Candidate is Paula Oliveira

Meet Paula Oliveira … the first transgender trying to win Miss BumBum 2018. Paula — who was born Vinicius Oliveira before her sex reassignment surgery 6 years ago — says she waited 2 years for her paperwork as Paula to finally come through.…


Friday, January 12, 2018

Tyga to Kylie Jenner: I Miss You So Much! Let Me Deliver Your Baby!

How weird would it be to be Tyga right now?

Well, it would always be weird to be Tyga, but let’s focus on one issue at a time.

Just imagine: you’re a somewhat successful rapper who somehow found himself dating a much younger, much more famous reality star.

This goes on for years, even though your ex-girlfriend began dating your new girlfriend’s brother, and even though literally everyone thinks you’re creepy for getting with her when she was so young.

You break up, you get back together. This happens several times.

Eventually a breakup manages to stick, and you and your girl finally go your separate ways.

Shortly after that, she begins dating someone else — another kind of all right rapper, even.

And shortly after that — very shortly, to be specific — she gets pregnant.

It’s a sketchy, uncomfortable little story, but that’s what Tyga is going through right now. It’s very fitting, because Tyga himself is so sketchy and uncomfortable.

Since the news of Kylie Jenner’s pregnancy broke back in September, we’ve heard multiple reports about how Tyga is supposedly handling it all.

Most of those reports discuss how much he regrets losing her, and how desperate he is to get her back, and this report we’re going to discuss today is no different.

Though it is quite a bit creepier.

Seriously, brace yourself, because this could possibly be the cringiest thing we’ve ever heard about Tyga, which is obviously saying a lot.

A source spoke about the situation to Hollywood Life, and claimed that “Tyga wants to be in the delivery room with Kylie, supporting her as she gives birth to her baby.”

… Come again?

Why would that ever happen? In what scenario would that be a logical chain of events?

“Tyga continues to be in contact with Kylie and sends her text messages irregularly, whenever he feels lonely, which is all the time,” the source added.

“Tyga misses Kylie and likes to maintain his connection to the woman he loved for years. Kylie appreciates him checking up on her, it is a nice reminder that he still cares.”

Right. Totally normal and appropriate.

This insider revealed that since her due date is coming up soon, “Tyga made it clear to Kylie that he would love to be there for her, to help support her during her big day.”

Because, believe it or not, “He still loves her and feels that should be his baby.”

OK, but … it’s not his baby? The baby has a father, and his name is Travis Scott, so it kind of feels like regardless of Tyga’s feelings, he should be the one in the delivery room.

But the thing is that “Tyga knows that Travis is often on the road, so he told Kylie that, while he respects her new relationship, is Travis can’t be there on her big day, he would love to fill in.”

It makes sense — what woman wouldn’t want her ex-boyfriend in the delivery room with her as she welcomes a child into this world?

Oh, all of them? Literally every single woman wouldn’t be cool with that?

Come on, Tyga. You can be a little more chill than this.


Saturday, December 23, 2017

Miss America Organization CEO Resigns Amid Email Scandal

Miss America Organization CEO Sam Haskell has resigned just days after some of his disgusting and sexist email exchanges were leaked. The Board of Directors of the Miss America Organization made the announcement Saturday saying Haskell was done…


Friday, December 22, 2017

Former Miss America Mallory Hagan Slams Board of Directors, Says It"s Time for New Leadership

Former Miss America Mallory Hagan feels validated in the wake of degrading internal emails by CEO Sam Haskell that were leaked … and now she thinks it’s time for those in charge to hit the road. Mallory tells us she knew about the…


Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Kylie Jenner: I Miss My Hot Body!

Kylie Jenner does not have a pregnancy glow.

Quite the opposite, in fact.

According to a new report, Kylie Jenner has a pregnancy “Oh, no.”

The 20-year old didn’t plan to welcome a child early next year, let’s be honest.

There’s just no way she purposefully had unprotected sex with Travis Scott in the hopes his sperm would fertilize her eggs and a baby would start growing in her womb.

We simply can’t imagine this is the case.

In response to the pregnancy, Jenner has said… absolutely nothing.

She is yet to confirm the news, although a quick glance through Jenner’s Instagram page is almost the only confirmation we need.

This is someone who literally has made a living by taking most of her clothes off, earning millions upon millions of social media followers by posing in the following manner:

But she can’t do this any more.

We mean, she can.

She certainly could flaunt her baby bump and/or her pregnancy curves, but multiple reports have claimed Kylie thinks she’s ugly.

She’s actually ashamed of her what the life inside of her is making her look like on the outside – and has therefore resorted to sharing almost only close-ups of her face.

Or she’s gotten really desperate and shared nude photos… from 2015.

Along these lines, an insider tells Hollywood Life that Jenner can’t wait to give birth.

In order to meet her precious bundle of joy? Not quite.

“Kylie can’t wait till she gets her pre-pregnancy body back and she can start posting sexy bikini shots on social media again,” this source claims, adding that Kylie miserable at the moment:

“She can’t help but feel she’s missing out on life somehow. Being pregnant has definitely been way harder than Kylie imagined it would be.

“She’s literally counting down the days till the baby arrives and she get back out in the spotlight again.”

That’s sad, don’t you think?

Jenner should be appreciating this special time in her life, even if it was unplanned.

And she definitely should NOT be planning on fleeing the country to get weight loss surgery as soon as she becomes a mother; that’s just a terrible idea.

Rumor has it that Jenner is expecting a daughter.

We think she’ll be born some time this spring, but we can only guess because the Kardashians are remaining mum about both her pregnancy and that of Khloe.

It’s very unlike them.

It makes us wonder what they have planned when the times does come to makes these announcements.

Until they do so once and for all, we’ll be forced to ask the question that gets delved into below:

Could Kylie be FAKING her pregnancy?!?

Consider all this possible evidence…


Monday, November 27, 2017

Miss Universe 2018: We Have a Winner!

Move over, Meghan Markle.

You aren’t the only beauty who will forever now be associated with wearing a tiara.

On the heels of the exciting Markle and Prince Harry engagement news, the annual Miss Universe Pageant aired live from Las Vegas on Sunday night.

At the outset of the sexist competition (seriously, how do events such as this still exist in 2017?!?), 92 women were on stage, set to strut their stuff and answer dumb questions in hopes of earning the ultimate honor.

In the end, however, only one could be crowned champion.

And that one was Miss South Africa, Demi-Leigh Nel-Peters!

The holder of a business management degree, Nel-Peters knocked off runner-up Miss Colombia Laura Gonzalez and third place finisher Miss Jamaica Davina Bennett to claim the crown.

Shortly after it was placed on her head, the new Miss Universe was asked to comment on sexual harassment, considering the accusations swirling around Hollywood these days.

Replied the 22-year old:

“If women take hands and stand together, we are unbreakable and we can say no to the things that are wrong in the workplace, at home or wherever you might go.”

(Perhaps women can also take hands and stand together against a competition that pits them against each other in categories such as Swimsuit Wearing and Evening Gown Donning.)

Three days of preliminary interviews and judging took place before the broadcast yesterday.

Nearly as soon as Miss Universe went live last night, 16 semi finalists and then the final Top 10 were announced.

These women, naturally, then went on to compete in swimwear, evening gown, final question and final look rounds.

At one point, host Steve Harvey asked the eventual winner:

“What quality in yourself are you most proud of and how will you apply that quality to your time as Miss Universe?”

This is how Nel-Peters responded:

As Miss Universe you have to be confident in who you are as an individual. And Miss Universe is a woman that has overcome many fears and by that she is able to help other women to overconme their fears.

She is a woman that nothing is ever too much to ask for and I think that is exactly who I am.

Referencing his famous gaffe in 2015, when he read the wrong name as champion, Harvey poked fun at himself when the climactic moment arrived.

“Be afraid. Be very afraid,” he told the remaining contestants prior to crowning Demi-Leigh Nel-Peters.

Nel-Peters hails from the South African coastal community of Sedgefield in the Western Cape province.

She helped develop a program to train women in self defense after she was robbed at gunpoint a month after she was crowned as Miss South Africa.

After waving to the crowd and accepting the honor, Miss Universe said she has a number of causes on which she hopes to focus.

“HIV/AIDS is a very big problem in my country South Africa, so I hope to stand as an advocate for that,” she cited as an example.

Nel-Peters also earned a year-long salary and a luxury apartment in New York City for the duration of her reign, along with other prizes.

This is a very dumb and insulting event that really ought to be canceled.

But that doesn’t mean we aren’t happy for Nel-Peters.

Long may she wave!


Sunday, November 26, 2017

Miss Universe Officials Order Judge to Unfollow Latina Contestants

Miss Universe just schooled one of the judges for tonight’s pageant … telling her it looks really bad that she’s only following Latina contestants on social media.  Pageant sources tell us Judge Lele Pons has been told it compromises the…


Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Eric Decker: Playing For the Jets Made Me Miss Broncos

Eric Decker says playing for the sucky NY Jets made him long for the days when he was a Denver Bronco.  Cameras were rolling on the WR the day after he was cut by the NY Jets back in June — and now his reaction is a part of his E! reality…


Eric Decker: Playing For the Jets Made Me Miss Broncos

Eric Decker says playing for the sucky NY Jets made him long for the days when he was a Denver Bronco.  Cameras were rolling on the WR the day after he was cut by the NY Jets back in June — and now his reaction is a part of his E! reality…
